I cant drink at all anymore!?!

Question: Yes me and my friends binge drink to get drunk! Well we used to..I cant drink anymore! Ive thrown up about 3 times and its just so awful its put me off.. My friends all still drink though and im the one thats left out =( If i can taste the alcohol in anything like vodka and coke i cant drink it!!! HELP =(

Answers: Yes me and my friends binge drink to get drunk! Well we used to..I cant drink anymore! Ive thrown up about 3 times and its just so awful its put me off.. My friends all still drink though and im the one thats left out =( If i can taste the alcohol in anything like vodka and coke i cant drink it!!! HELP =(

Between the smoking weed and the alcohol you remind me alot of me when I was younger. If you get sick off of something sometimes you are not able to drink it again, for me it's tequila. If vodka is the thing that makes you sick everytime, don't drink vodka, try rum instead. You have a mental block that makes you sick everytime that you smell or taste it.

Don't drink find something else to do with your time

tut tut
been there done that
throwing up is horrible
ive thrown up pure cider about 50 times and now i cant even drink it anymore
even the smell makes me heave
still drink with your friends but only drink a little
have a few pints or soemthing
thats what i do

Sounds good to me - just give it up and forget the hangovers but still go out and have a good time - there's no need to be left out.

maybe you can drink something like becardi breezer, I've got here in holland a drink called safari, i don't if you got it there but you must mix it up with fanta and then you won't taste the alcohol.

Don't drink to excess, you're doing extreme damage to your liver and it's not good. Just have a a few, drink it slowly, eat something before you go out and you'll be ok.

You're better off. Anyone who takes drugs that inhibit their functions is a loser (at least from the duration of when they start till they've sobered up).

And it's not like any alcoholic beverage is vastly superior in taste to a glass of coke or orange juice - you can stop kidding yourself now.

get stoned instead

Obviously binge drinking is not for you.
When your friends drink, just sip your drinks,and know your limit, you'll still have the same fun, but you won't end up hugging the porcelain god.
If all else fails, you can always be the designated driver.

if tey dont respect that theyre not your friends

I think its a good thing you don't need alcohol to enjoy yourself and at least you wont be destroying your liver and kidneys. Be glad that you can't do it anymore is my opinion you're better off :o)

It's funny how people committed people are to drinking, as though it's some kind of god that must be served, no matter what the cost.

You don't have to drink alcohol to have fun, there's plenty of other options......

Drinking is not everything. Don`t compare with others.
You can party w/o drinks also.

It's your body telling you to give drinking a rest.

You may not know it... or think it now.. but this is a BLESSING!

Just think... you WILL NOT kill anyone while driving drunk.

Believe it or not you CAN (if you allow yourself to) have a GREAT TIME without being drunk or drinking. A friend of mine and I were having the best time one night... we were being so silly... some guys thought we were high... We hadn't had a drop to drink and we didn't do drugs... we were just having a good time and didn't care what anyone thought.

I used to get drunk (in my late teens) but it got old FAST! It was a waste of my time AND I don't recall half of the "fun" I had, anyways!

Drinking in excess like that is hazardous to your health. You can take pride in being the designated driver and make sure your friends get home safe as a sober driver.

You poor poor soul

First off your a tard for BINGE drinking! WTF! Are you like 17 or something? People go out and drink to have a good time but what is the point in drinking so much that you end up in the floor or around the toilet puking! Your body tells you when you have had to much to drink and normally you stop then! Personally I think your an idiot and to bad you didn't die like tons of other dumb *** people do every year from that stupid crap! Grow up and remember its your fault that you can't drink anymore cause you were an idiot get over it and stop bothering everone with your stupidity.... anyways have a great christmas and happy new year!

Good for you, save your money and save your liver.

don't binge. just enjoy the drink. try different drinks that have like a mellow whiskey in it. Try midori and seven up...it's very light.
Maybe you should go cold turkey for a couple weeks to give your liver a break, then ease your way into a drink.

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