On average how much alcohol do you drink in a week?!

Question: i drink far too much, about 40 pints, have i got a problem ?

Answers: i drink far too much, about 40 pints, have i got a problem ?

I'm a recovered alcoholic and you do have a problem, and you know you have a poblem otherwise you would not have asked the question.

I went into re-hab in November last year, joined AA and have not had a drink since, do you want to know something funny, not only don't I miss it after 50 years of drinking, at 65 I have never felt better in my life.

Knowing you have a problem is half the battle of beating it, if you can do it by yourself all well and good, if you need help AA will be more than glad to give it to you.

I enjoy AA meetings, I've been to one tonight, Ihave more genuine friend now than I've ever had.

18 litres of cider 14 bottles of newcastle brown 56 cans of stella and 2 litres of vodka

on a normal week i do about 6 bottles of wine and 1 bottle of sambucca.
i think we should both try drinking less

I drink about 6 pack a day of beer and then some vodka shots. Then appletini and screw driver followed by a martini.
Then finally set down with some Scotch. Gets me seriously drunk. None of my freinds can do this. I think its in my blood. but don't try this. WARNING.

I do it like one day every week. Otherwise I totally don't drink

I drink very little maybe a pint a month and in my opinion 40 pints a week would be considered a problem

if you're drinking at like 8am then yeah i think you have a problem, otherwise no

I don't drink alcohol at all.

since asda did 3 boxes for £20 an awful lot more tham i used too,will get through about 2 boxes in a fri sat sun,about 36 tinnies.god bless u asda

I think you already know the answer,you have probably been worrying for a while about the amount you drink,or maybe your family and friends have noticed it.

How do I know? Been there,now I don't drink and life is great.Give it a go,you can always go back to getting wasted if you don't like it!!!!

We all have a problem.

i can see how you might drink that much if you go out most nights of the week and a bit more weekends. you have to have fun while you're young. it can't do you any harm to have a night off the booze, or even a few nights when you can. i only go down the pub about once a week these days and have no more than about 6 pints. my real problem is drinking wine at home. i reckon some weeks i probably drink 50 units, compared with the 21 units that is supposed to be safe. i'm going to start monitoring exactly how much in the new year. i'd rather have no drinking days and be able to have a real good drink when i feel like. the idea of a glass and a half of wine, or 1 pint per night is horrible. i'd rather drink nothing.

One margarita from Chevy's about every 6 months.

yes, i'd say you have a problem because that is a lot of alcohol! But more importantly, its WHY you drink more so than the amount. And does the drinking negatively affect your life? Have you lost friends/jobs because of the drinking?

Most weeks i drink none. some weeks maybe just 2 or 3 drinks and some weeks i might finish a bottle of something. all depends on time of year, whats going on, etc.

Regarding what Rachey said: a person could very well be an alcoholic even if they never drink in the morning!

I share 1-2 bottles of wine each week. So, I guess between 3 and 6 glasses of wine a week

Yes, that's a problem!

I don't drink any. I'm fed up when people say 'here, have a real drink'. Give me a cup of coffee any time!

Normally, 6 bottles of wine, a 60 oz of single malt scotch and 24 pint of bear.

depends on my finances and on my mood drank a bit last night probly not gonna drink **** tonight

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