Are you often under the influence of alcohol? How is life like under the influence of alcohol?!

Question: Drinking makes me pretty.

Answers: Drinking makes me pretty.

Only got close to be drunk once, I am glad i can't answer. :D

never drank in my life, never plan to, never will

it depends on what mood you were in before you started drinking. if you are in a good mood looking to have fun with friends...then it usually makes things more fun and silly. if you are in a bad mood it will make you more down. it is a depressant.

I don't drink but i know of a few poeple whose lives seemed to be one drink after another. I don't envy them but i don't think personally they are happy them selves.

I get silly and very warm but it doesnt help me sleep it works opposite and I cant sleep

I often am not a THINK as I DRUNK I am !

not ofter just around the holidays, alcohol in moderation can be good, but in excess can break up families and ruin lives.

hard days work and a couple of suds after naever hurt anyone

life under the influnce thats a hard one , you tell me whats life like when not under the influence

My days of being under the influence of alcohol often are looooooong behind me. Life was often fun under the influence, but I found that it was @ least as fun without. I've preferred the influence of marijuana since last century...



Use to be, its a very lonely and depressing place to be,but got my life back not had a drink for 2 years,""""

No I am not under the influence.But I used to be A LOT. Its no picnic.I get stupid and mean when I drink so I just stay away from the stuff

If married, the kids will have a permanent emotional instability.

The wife will nag you forever...

You will lose money and friends...

you will die of a disease bec of drinking too much---GOUT, it's a very painful and ugly type of arthritis.


Depression+ depressant=really bad time.

Plus, alcohol gives me SERIOUS acid reflux.

So, no, unless I'm occasionally eating, say, some Rum Raisin Haagen-Dazs, then no, I don't ingest any alcohol.

yes I am...when i'm not drunk i'm often high! and i find my life soooooo cool!!!

Oh dear. Yes, I am often under the influence of alcohol. Have gone without for the past four years, but recently taken to it again, though at a reduced level. Fortunately, I have a discilpline that wont allow alcohol before 7.30pm. Its the most widely available, and LEGAL drug you can get hold of. You are better off without it, but...............

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew.. it is niiiiiiiiiiiiiice

I drink ALOT because I am married.

I have drank plenty of times, its fun but it can get our of hand sometimes! you have to be smart about it, like if your in a depressed sad mood then oyu shouldent drink because it can lead oyu to make bad decission but overall i love it it makes for good stories!

Constently and numbing

The life is really hard itself. The life is confuse. We need to drink sometimes, a delicious beer or a shoot of vodka, and then we turn more relaxed. !!!

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