Which is better for health- Beer of Wine?!

Question: Which is better? And why?

At first, it looks like beer is better for the health, because it has lower alcohol concentration. But many people claim wine is good for health.

Can you help me on this? I am confused.

Answers: Which is better? And why?

At first, it looks like beer is better for the health, because it has lower alcohol concentration. But many people claim wine is good for health.

Can you help me on this? I am confused.

Good question, the answer is harder to give than one would think however. Wine has more antioxidants than beer does, but beer has more vitamins, minerals and fiber. Both in moderation are good for your heart and circulatory system. Contrary to popular belief one serving of average wine (8oz) and one serving of average beer (12oz) contain the exact same amount of alcohol by volume and there is no scientific proof that one consumes more servings of beer than wine when drinking.

Some highlights for wine:

- Both red and white wines are effective anti-bacterial agents against strains of Streptococcus.[69] Interestingly, wine has traditionally been used to treat wounds in some parts of the world.

- "The French paradox" refers to the lower incidence of coronary heart disease in France than in the USA despite high levels of saturated fat in the traditional French diet. Epidemiologists suspect that this difference is attributed to the high consumption of wines by the French.

- A chemical called resveratrol is thought to be at least partly responsible for red wines' health benefits, as it has been shown to exert a range of both cardioprotective as well as chemoprotective mechanisms in animal studies.

Some highlights of beer:

- The moderate consumption of alcohol, including beer, is associated with a decreased risk of cardiac disease, stroke and cognitive decline.

- Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins. In fact, beer is sometimes referred to as "liquid bread". Some sources maintain that filtered beer loses much of its nutrition.

- A 2005 Japanese study found that low alcohol beer may possess strong anti-cancer properties.

both are ok if a limit amount is taken..
once you over exceeded the limit /amount..
it will be harmful to ur body...

One glass of wine a day has been proven to help keep you in better health...the key is to only drink one a day.

Wine has anti-oxidants but drink it in moderation not like the bottle a day I drink

Red wine is the best because they use the grape skins that have all the antioxidants, and the alcohol is a good clot buster/blood thinner. They recommend not to exceed one glass a day.

wine...at least they're grapes.

The alcohol content cancels out because you drink more beer than wine, as a rule. In addition, good beer is likely to have more alcohol than the mass-produced beer has. The wine has anti-oxidants; beer is a source of B vitamins. Guess you'll have to alternate. Either that or drink what you like, in moderation.

Remember, there are more old drunks than old doctors.

I've read it was wine, and red wine is better for you. Something to do with the acids in the red.

They are both fine, As long as you don't overdo, A couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beer's are actually healthy for you....

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