What should i do my 16 year old son is smoking?!

Question: he said he know what it can do and understands the risks dosent know why he smokes just doses he said black & mild cigars which is what he is smoking and he would not smoke weed at all only black & milds cigars
and he said in 2 years he can smoke any way in 2009

Answers: he said he know what it can do and understands the risks dosent know why he smokes just doses he said black & mild cigars which is what he is smoking and he would not smoke weed at all only black & milds cigars
and he said in 2 years he can smoke any way in 2009

im 16 yr old boy,and i love black and mild cigars,dont really smoke cigs (wouldnt buy it,)but sometimes i dip at school cause its hard to get caught.trust me your kid probly smokes weed if he smokes cigs,and if he does weed he probly does other stuff like psychadelics,(or he will soon since he is in high school )my dad has caught me with cigs,i got grounded,and basically stopped them.good luck with your son.i would tell him to wait till he is 18(or 19 in alabama where im at)

take away his smokes, his car keys, give him gum.

I think you should have a chat with him not a bad one to make him really mad but try to explain because my grandad died from smoking

im sorry to hear that,but have you tried talking to him about why he is smoking or try to get him to talk to the counselor in school if that allright with you.

sit him down with a full pack of smokes and make him smoke the whole pack at once .I bet after he will never want to smoke again

Sooner tabs, than dope sweetheart.

I have a friend dying of end stage lung cancer. When you see what your loved ones go through, because of the stupid decision they made at 16, it may turn him away from cigs. My husband started smoking at 12. He wishes with all his heart and soul that he never took it up, or that his parents had intervened, because now, 30+ years later, he struggles to quit, and cannot even come close. The cigs will probably be the death of him. His children don't smoke. They are scared to death of losing their father as it is, they don't even want to contemplate what could happen to them.

Give him an incentive to stop? ASk him what it would take.. cos you love him. Are you a smoker yourself btw?

Honestly beat his @$$. Tell him as long as lives in your house his butt wont be smoking and if he tells you NO just get a real serious look on your face and tell him to move out. Once he grabs his stuff like his clothes, car keys and anything else take it away and ask him if he bought it. take his cell phone too. now you really arent going to throw him out. lol just to scare him :P he will prolly be so scared he wont do anything but quit.

or you can do what my dad did to me. go out and buy a huge box of cigars or cigs and make him smoke them until he pukes be sure he inhales as well. after that he wont want to ever be near one again.

Has he not took a good smell of an ash tray lately? Or find a heavy regular smoker when they just finsh one or two and have him stand close. then ask if this is what he really wants to smell like. Does he think girls really want to date ash tray smelling boys.

take him to the hospital and have him hang out with the people who have been smoking for years and need medical assistance or dying of cancer. Show him how cool it is then

im 17, and i went through this with my parents. honestly, there is nothing you can do to make him stop smoking. you just have to explain to him that nobody will find him attractive if he is a smoker. my dad said that to me, but it still didnt work. and really, if he is smoking black and milds, hes probably using them to roll blunts. that involves weed. dont trust your kids, people. were all bad!

Really? Nice stroking motion, use the backhand sweep and a flick of the wrists. Full connection with buttocks.

Sure, he is 16, and probably would think he is too old for that. If he brings that up, then do it again *with more gusto*

Introduce him to old washed up dirtbags that smoke so it seems less glamorous. Maybe show him lip cancers on thirty year olds. Alternately, ask him to smoke only 1/4 of the cigar before trashing it so he doesn't smoke as much. Point out stupid celebrities (like Madonna and Paris Hilton) who have been pictured with cigars. Point out the Hugh Hefner quit because life with his three twenty something girlfriends is worth sticking around for.
Other than that, pray for him and love him. Maybe the way to have him quit is making it no big deal so he realizes that it's stupid on his own (stinky, expensive, not as cool as he thought or he find a girl that he adores who thinks it's repulsive).

make sure he is the one that actually is supporting his habit of choice,meaning working for the funds for a pack of his choice of habit.oyeah by the way,he is living under your roof isnt he?be a parent,not his friend.nip it in the bud why you still have the parental rights.Good luck. Brad.

Are you a smoker? If you are, then you have no room to say a damned thing. If you aren't, then you had better give him some tough love. Once you start, it's impossible (or damn-near) to kick the habit.

Cut off his allowance, cut off his tv time, take him to the cemetery and choose a burial plot.

when he comes up and say's hey mom I need a twenty to get some(you fill in the blank....)........you just say I am not giving you twenty dollars to buy smokes....

You need to sit him and down and have a one on one talk with him. Don't make him mad and you don't get mad because yelling does not make anything better. He might say he knows the effects of smoking, but he probably really does not comprehend the effects. I'm sure he is doing it because he knows many people doing it and everyone just thinks its cool. Show him pictures, show him videos. You can see things on the internet and they probably have books in like Barnes and Noble. Take him to the doctor and get the doctor to explain it to him. I know I went through the same thing, except I was the child. I eventually came to realize after about a year how harmful it really is, but I've learned from my mistakes and I try to get other teenagers away from making that mistake I made. It might take a while, but just let him know how you feel about the issue as well.

At least he's not smoking pot or crack. It's probably a peer thing. Hopefully he will grow out of it before he is too addicted. I quit after 7 years.

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