The smoking ban has almost ruined the english pubs, what will this do ......?!

Question: how many people will stop going. will you still go or drink at home.

Answers: how many people will stop going. will you still go or drink at home.

The smoking ban is the best thing for years, at least i can go out and not come home smelling like an ash tray.

i started drinking at work as a rebellion. now i'm forced to drink at home.

More stupidity from the government, this is really all i can say !!

price hike is going to kill me lol

i dont how it has ruined the pubs people still can smoke but outside and they can still drink but with plastic cups instead and if the price of beer goes i am sure some people will stay in and drink instead of going out with beer 22p a can at tesco and probably cheaper in other places people will stay in

lot of people will still go there will be a ton of people hanging outside

hopefully people will just make open invitations to come to there houses because everythings so expencive at bars anyways

I wouldnt be surprised if we were charged to breathe in a few years time. I dont go to the pub that often but I wont stop going otherwise il be doing what the government wants me to do.

They've done the same thing in many major cities of the US. It's very annoying. but some bars have build outside pavilions for smokers, which is fun when the weather is nice, but if it's really hot or really cold, it's frustrating. Also, because of it, you notice that all the snooty people are inside the bar, and all the cool people are outside, because even if you are cool but you don't smoke, you hang out outside to get away from all the snooty people inside. This is good because now you can go to a bar (the ones with a pavilion) and you don't get stuck in a place full of snooty people.

it's the law here as well....

a few places just go ahead and pay the fine, like 100.00 when they get biggie, they r still making out like bandits, because that's where everyone goes!

Not ruined from the point of view of a non-smoker (ex smoker actually - so I'm even more anti smoking.)
I can even take my kids out for a pub lunch and enjoy the experience.
Smokers can still smoke outside, so it can't be that bad for them.

I quite like going outside for a smoke because I get chatting to other smokers and it's all very civilised!

ill stay home

It's your opinion that the smoking ban has ruined pubs, I don't agree. I love being able to go home after a night out not stinking of other people's smoke.

Dont be silly.... You look at the restaurants and dining rooms in pubs and they are packed, ..Pubs are now becoming more like licensed reataurants than pubs, much nicer than the traditional boozer. The pubs who get their catering right will survive, the dingy boozing only sort of places are the ones that will go to the wall. You dont have to eat in these pubs, most have pleasant lounges wher you can have a drink with friends ans socialise. Sm oking is not a necessary part of all this...

English pubs are no different since the smoking ban, except for the fact that they no longer stink and are more pleasant places.

People aren't going to stop drinking just because the price has gone up. They keep putting up the prices of cigarettes and petrol but there are still millions of smokers and cars on the road.

They should make a air tight room for smokers where they can go inside smoke and kill them self. Keep the clean air for the non smoker!!!

If you don't want to pay pub prices you can go to tescos and stay at home and this is exactly what most of ireland has done. No smoking and over 5euro a pint. so as far as i'm concerned nothing has changed. will it kill pubs, not really just the old smelly ones. I still go to the pub and am very happy that this is the sutuation ( no smoking i mean) I don't think it will change much



The smoking ban hasn't ruined pubs at all! All this bollocks before hand with people saying everyone will stay at home and the pubs will be deserted turned out to comlpetely false.
Every bar/club I've been in since the ban has been just as busy.

Fair enough about the price increases though, that would certainly have an effect...

pubs have been dying out for a long time. the drink driving laws have stopped people going to country pubs like they used to . then theres the brewerys that sell off pubs to developers. since the sixties i would say 2 pubs a year have closed in my town and there is still lots left. its not the end of the world if a few more close.

You end up drinking on your own half the time as your mates go outside but it has been so cold they are not out there long
don`t get me started on the £4 pint there is a pub up the road from me. £3.30 for a pint of fosters
and they want to charge you a tenner to get in tonight the cheeky c...ts

its pathetic, people went to the pub anyway who didnt smoke and now all of sudden since its bin enforced they complain about how bad it was. its expected wen u go on a nite out people wil b smoking. oh no im passive smoking im gna die any second!! bugger off u idiots it does pretty much eff all to u. grow a spine.

I hope the frustration of that will drive them to quit smoking, only then would we presume that the war against cigarettes has been won !!

Poor Brits - Leave while you can. No pubs in Italy, but plenty of bars. A pint of good lager from £1.50. A smoking ban since 2004 but who cares its 20%C in the sun on xmas eve.

i smoke and drink but this year it is my house.

What's ruined English pubs is the patrons, nothing to do with smoking. The binge
drinkers who frequent the pubs these days would be enough to put anyone off. you can see the results of this culture laying in the gutters almost daily in most towns and cities.
Smokers have ruined the NHS with all their smoking related health problems,and at NO extra charge. they should penalise smokers and drinkers with extra charges to cover their smoking and drink related health problems.Tax,Tax,Tax em till it hurts their pockets so bad,they give it up.

It doesn't seem to have harmed the village pubs around here (Perth, Scotland) We have had the ban for a year longer than in England and it is getting accepted quite readily now.

I don't mind smokers but it's nice to go home in the evening not smelling of cig smoke.

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