Binge drinking?!


Binge drinking?

I drink a beer or two in the evenings occasionally with friends, and happily stop before any level of trashedness sets in, however, as soon as I'm off out clubbing, partying or even just down the pub, I get absolutely s*itfaced and end up blacking out! It really dosen't matter what I eat beforehand, and how much I try to control it - it's no use! Any advice? Or should I just give up?

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1 month ago
I only do the 'suspect binge drinking' once every couple of weeks, it dosen't get in the way of the many other things I do with my life.

1 month ago
I only do the 'suspect binge drinking' once every couple of weeks, it dosen't get in the way of the many other things I do with my life.

I'm all for it! The only way you'll ever build up your tolerance is if you keep it up. And when the day comes when quarters, flippy cup, and beer pong is an Olympic sport, you and I will be seen as VISIONARIES, my friend! So don't stop your training because of somebody else's "morals" and "values". We must continue, my young padawan.

Let go, Luke. Feel the beer FLOW through you. The beer will be with you...always.

This is binge drinking and you're headed for serious trouble, if it continues.
You already know what it's doing to you now, it will get worse.
Stop the drinking and find another way to have fun. If you can't stop, seek medical attention.

So you want people to tell you what you already know? Stop drinking and get help. Sounds like you already need it.

Two theories - people who hold each of them hate each other - so be warned

1. Once you pass a certain level of problems with alcohol you are forever an alcoholic. The only method to regain control of your life is to stop any use of alcohol. This is the AA viewpoint and it works for somewhere between 30 and 80 percent of problem drinkers depending on whose numbers you want to look at.

2. Problem drinking is just like problem eating or any other activity it can be brought under control by setting limits for yourself and by using various techniques to modify your behavior. This is a newer approach and does not have as much data to support it either way.

All data on drinking is suspect because most people are lost to follow-up. That is they complete a given program and then they go about their business and one never knows if they had a problem with drinking again or not. People also do a lot of lying when it comes to drinking. That makes it very hard to give good solid advice on how another person should handle their drinking

My advice is if you are doing anything dangerous in association with your drinking - driving - unprotected sex - losing important relationships then I would give it up completely - at least for a year or two.

If it is not that major a problem yet - then you might try one of the other of the methods of control.

A lot of advice from both schools of thought can be found on the Web and through local groups such as AA.

if you want to stop the binge drinkinking get some KUDZO, you can get it from health food shops eg holand and barret it slows down the craving for alcochol . it widley used in china for people with drink problems and becoming more popular over here. my brother had a cronic drink problem but after taking this he found he didnt drink so much in binges

OK, it sounds like you are not an uncontrollable alcoholic--you can drink one or two and then stop. But at a party you just don't for whatever reason. Wonder what that reason is?

It could be as simple as thinking you look bad without a drink in your hand and you're nervous so you keep sipping. In this case, you need to figure out a no- or low-alcohol way thing to consume. At times in my life, I've gone with ginger ale with a twist of lime, soda with twist of lemon, 1/2 shot or less of whisky in a large glass of soda, similarly weak gin and tonic, etc.

If you're concerned the drink will taste weak, fill the glass with the mixer first and then pour the liquor in; the liquor will mostly float on the surface (don't stir!) and you'll get a good taste of it when you sip while actually consuming only a drop.

You can find other things to do at the party other than drinking. Dancing, for example--I once heard a commentator who noted that binge drinking is higher among white college students because black students' parties have lots of dancing going on--"At a white party, if the keg goes dry, the party's over; at a black party, everybody keeps going." If you're not happy dancing, find games to play, or polish your conversation skills (go to library, check out books on how to be an interesting conversationalist).

Now, another theory might be that you have a subconscious belief that getting all sloppy makes you a fun guy to be with at a party. This is a psychological thing, and if you find yourself resistant to the ideas above about cutting down on the consumption, then you really need to consult a counselor to plumb your psychology and clean up your perceptions.

In case you need more motivation, understand the medical implications. There's some research that says you can get by with one or two drinks daily (other research suggests every other day) and suffer no long-term health problems. But one night of good hard boozing gives you a condition called "fatty liver" and it takes a healthy person about two weeks of no alcohol at all for the streaks of fat to clear out of the liver. Keep your liver fatty long enough, and those streaks of fat start to harden, and potentially lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and all of that fun-killing stuff.

Next time you go out drinking after every alcoholic drink make sure you drink a full glass of plain water. You won't drink as much and you'll save lots of money. You won't black out either because you've given your body and brain a break from the onslaught! Take it easy, alcohol will be there tomorrow and the day after.
If this advice doesn't work seek professional assistance and save yourself the many years of devastation and dismal existence. Good Luck!!!

Nah It gets better,I use to do same thing an I always thought it was nightmares until I sobered up and seen the state of my clothes.Now im a closet drinker so my doctor says,what the heck does he know ?.........Liz.

You are an unexperienced drinker. You need more practice. You should drink 8-10 beers each night. Practice quiting after the 8-10 beers. After a couple of months move it up to 14-16 beers then quit. A few months later 20-22 beers. In another 5 years or so you will be a seasoned drinker. Good luck. Let us know how you do. I hope you can get the hang of this.

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