How many cans of soda do you drink a day?!


How many cans of soda do you drink a day?

Just one at lunch.

4 to 5. I know it's awful.

0.....try juice, gatorade, or water

Sometimes, i have one bottle of soda a day. I don't like soda in the cans.

5 at least

I drink sugar free (has aspartame, not that is any better), and caffiene free rocks! and ZERO calories.


None. I buy 2 liter bottles and drink from those.

Way too many, 3 to 5 usually

None. I drink water. Soda is awful for your skin.

none, I haven't had soda in 3 years.

honestly stomach hurts after i drink soda....water for me please =)

i drink about 3L per day

I usually drink one 20-ounce bottle a day.

1 sometimes 2

3 or 4 tops.....did you know that coca-cola sells more than 1,000,000,000 cans of coke a day!?

That's one billion math majors!

2 on a bad day, 1 occasionally, mostly none

I'm down to ZERO!!!! :D

I'll have an occassional can/20 oz. bottle every now and then, but soda is otherwise completely out of my system.

None. I prefer water.
Don't be fooled by those Propel and Gatorade waters either.........full of sugar.
Good plain water.......a squeeze of lemon or lime it needed.

0 I don't drink soda. I prefer coffee, iced coffee and I drink two a day.

about 3+ ... it just depends on my mood. I know it's a bad habbit, but I'm addicted to caffeine.

Don't usually drink out of cans, but my guess is 5-6. Depends on how hot it is, time of year, so forth...but I can polish off a 2-liter bottle fairly quickly.

i personally think that drinking soda is unhealthy, especially all dark sodas. i stick to tea, light sodas, and juices and water. most often, i drink the herbal teas. not only is it healthier than drinking soda, but it help speeds your metabolism a bit. thats from the tea that i always drink. dark sodas, like coffee, leaves stains on your teeth, and destroys your enamels slowly. aan advice: limit your intake on sodas because youll have nice teeth that will go along with your great smile!



Zero, nada, none..........

I drink at least a 12 pack of diet coke a day. I used to drink alot of beer and drinking alot of soda helps me deal with not drinking alcohol.

None I drink water.

Have cut down fairly well. Usually drink a Diet Sprite at work, just one. On the weekends I'll usually have 1 or 2 Diet Cokes.

zero.. the only time I have pop (as we call it) is when I go to the movies.. I've been eating pretty healthy lately, but I just can't resist getting pop and popcorn at the theater for some reason.. once in awhile I might order pop at a restaurant.. so I'd say I average maybe 1 per week..

None. I try to stick to water, juice or iced tea. The sugar content in sodas is just ridiculous.

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