Acquired taste?!

Question: When I was a kid and when I first tasted beer to me it was the nastiest crap there was and when I asked my parents why they drink it they were like "Its an aquired taste" well its been more than 13 years since that day and I've been drinking it every chance I've gotten but it still tastes like cow piss to me.
Am I doing something wrong?

Answers: When I was a kid and when I first tasted beer to me it was the nastiest crap there was and when I asked my parents why they drink it they were like "Its an aquired taste" well its been more than 13 years since that day and I've been drinking it every chance I've gotten but it still tastes like cow piss to me.
Am I doing something wrong?

It's possible that you simply don't like beer but you should really make an effort to try a wide selection of beer styles available to you before casting the final judgement on it. Beer can present flavors from grapefruit all the way to sweet toffee.

Here's a short list of diverse styles to look in to, hope it helps. They should be pretty widely available too.

IPA (Goose Island IPA, Brooklyn East India Ale, Stone IPA)

Stout (Young's Double Chocolate Stout, Bell's Kalamazoo Stout, Rogue Shakespeare Stout)

Dopplebock (Spaten Optimator, Moretti LaRosa, Ayinger Dopplebock)

Wheat Beers/Ales (Southern Tier Hop Sun, Three Floyds Gumball Head)

Hefeweizen (Weihenstephan Hefeweizen, Ayinger Brauweiss, Paulaner Hefewiezen)

Brown Ale (Goose Island Hex Nut Brown, Sam Smith Nut Brown Ale, Bell's Best Brown)

Lambic (Lindeman's Framboise, St. Louis Framboise)

Various Belgian Styles (Piraat, Duvel, Unibroue La Fin Du Monde, Ommegang 3 Philosophers)

That's just a small list off the top of my head, there's a lot of beer out there to try though. There's no sense in forcing yourself to try to like something that you're simply not in to, but give it a fair shake. Good luck.

No.. some people never acquire the taste.. i never did no matter how hard i tried.. just try other alcohol instead of beer. find something that you like.

It could just be the beer you're drinking. With beer, as with pretty much any food, you either like it or you don't. Some people can't stand beer, but they prefer hard alcohol more. Some people dislike both, but prefer wine. You just have to keep trying different types of drinks until you find the one you like. If there's only beer at a party, try to find something else to drink, or bring something of your own that you do like to drink. My girlfriend thinks ALL beer tastes the same. It doesn't matter if it's an ale, stoudt, lager, etc. It all tastes the same to her, and she hates it all. BUT, she likes wine and mixed drinks. Find your drink, then enjoy!

The term "acquired taste" is apt, but not entirely appropriate, because everything we ingest and like is a taste that we have acquired at some time in our lives.

Beer is more than an acquired taste, as their are many, many, tastes to beer.

People tend to be brand-loyal, meaning they tend to stick to the same brew, year after year.

If that is how your household works, then you may not have sampled the very wide variety of taste that exist. in the world of beer.

I was the same way as you, disliking the beer that was available at home, and never understanding how anyone could say they enjoyed it.

Later, one or two occasions at other places saw a different beer on hand, and I was quite surprised when I found dark, heavy, beer quite palatable.

Since then I have learned there are many variations in that type of beer, as well, some poor and some far better.

Beer is not necessarily something to drink every day. It is possible that you will find one or two that you can enjoy on a special occasion.

I do not drink very much, and my preference is a good brandy, or occasionally a single-malt Scotch, but there are a few beers out there that, sometimes, are exactly what I want and when those moments come the beer is throughly enjoyed.

what does that say about your brain power? "still tastes like cow piss to me." but "I've been drinking it every chance I've gotten" if you find yourself a dairy farm, you can get fresh cow piss for free.

i tasted a couple different kinds of beer and never found one that tasted any good to me so I quit trying. i found out that i like good bourbon. i also drink rum, vodka and tequila. can't stand beer, coffee, or tea.

Wrong beer maybe? Don't drink Bud and sh!t like that. There is no acquiring a taste for that. Might as well drink water.

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