Question for alcoholics?!


Question for alcoholics?

how much and how often do you drink? how many drinks per day and do you drink everyday? honest answers only please!

Alcoholics go to meetings drunks dont.

I drink about 2 times a week since I'm I work as a mother of four and running a business 45 minutes away I'd say I'd need some beers a couple of times.

I used to drink 2 six packs of Budweiser tall boys every day (I guess that's about 200 ounces of beer per day and I'm not a big girl). I would drink ANYTHING if it were in the house, even it was something I hated, like red wine. I would drink that and get drunk

But I spent a month in a coma awhile back after having my gall bladder taken out and developing pneumonia in both lungs. They Code Blue'd me several times and I almost died a couple times while I was in the coma. That kind of did it for me.

I still drink, but just a couple of times a month, and never to excess. I still consider myself an alcoholic, but I truly have absolute control over it. It's a "mind over matter" thing, where you have to be stronger than it.

Good luck.

People almost always try to make a definition of an alcoholic by quantity and frequency. This seems logical, but it is NOT useful for figuring out who has the disease. Notice that trying this method leaves everyone with a question mark over their heads! Here is another way. When using this other method to define alcoholism, it quickly becomes apparent who is, and who is not, an alcoholic. The definition of alcoholism is "continued abuse in the face of negative consequences". It does NOT matter how often - or how much - one drinks! It is the BEHAVIOR that defines the disease. By focusing on the behavior, the ambiguity is magically removed! Here is a list of some negative consequences. If the person in question is experiencing these on a regular basis - they have the disease. Blackouts, Getting into fights, Apologizing to people the next day, Missing work/school, Accumulating drunk driving tickets, getting into fights, Physical health consequences. Again, focus on the behavior, NOT the quantity or frequency. Also, note that the disease is inherited. If either parent is an alcoholic, then the child has a 50% chance of getting the disease. If you know someone who is an alcoholic, check out their parents, one, or both, will also have it.

i drink everyday. i tend to get very shaky and uncomfortable if i go more than 12 to 16 hours. i usually have 20 to 30 shots of canadian whiskey everyday. i have no time limit. when i wake up i drink alot of water or iced tea, then a quart or more of milk. after that i start on the whiskey. usually after 5 or more shots i finally get the urge to eat. i really hope you dont get as bad of a problem as me. its not a good life. i have ruined many friendships and jobs because of my alcoholism. sorry but i must disagree with the last guy. no member of my family was alcoholics. and after over 20 years of being a bad alcoholic i have never been in a fight. i still drive intoxicated even though i have been arrested for it not to mention many other alcohol related arrests. being an alcoholic is not a good life. i truly dont know why i became one. just to mask my problems i guess. please dont make the same mistake as me. it isnt fun having to rely on the bottle everyday.

I drink everyday.... I much as I can before I go to sleep.

I would say anywhere from 10-30 units of alcohol a day.

By units I mean either one beer or one ounce of 40% liquor.
( that is roughly the same amount of alcohol)

Its got to the point where I cant have fun unless I am drunk.

My drivers license is suspended right now.....

And I just now finished an 8 ounces of vodka mixed with 8 ounces of lemonade and will be going to the sports bar to watch the game........

atleast a 12 pack aday

ive drank a 1/5th of vodka in a 2 day period for a few days in a row, substitute jager sometimes.......

Well, I've been told that I'm a binge drinker because I can go for months at a time totally sober and then I suddenly get the urge to have a beer or something stronger. But the only problem is, I can't stop at just one. If there is enough booze around I'll drink until its all gone or I pass out, which ever comes first. And every time I do go on a bender I get worse. The last time, I ended up in the emergency room with chest pains and they told me to stay away from the alcohol. Easier said than done.
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