Sure way to get out of a drunk driving?!


Sure way to get out of a drunk driving?

A DA told me that if you tell the police officer that you "slammed" 6 shots of vodka 5 minutes ago before you got in your car, then officially, you were not drunk yet when you were pulled over( takes 10 minutes for alcohol to actually make you legally drunk ), and therefore, you can't get a D.U.I. When you give blood at the station ( refuse breathalyzer ), you will register as drunk but your lawyer will use your statement and get you off.

I've heard of things like that. I've also heard of people carrying around a bottle of liquor in their car. When they get pulled over they throw the keys outta their car, open the bottle in front of the cop and start drinking it. Then they could claim they weren't drunk until right then.

I really doubt these things would work though. They might have worked for someone one time, but i really doubt it would work all the time. I think your best bet is to try not to drink and drive.

Try it out, then, get back to us.

i call BS on this sorry but i may be wrong try it out and let me know

yeah, let me know if that works.

The only way that I have ever gotten out of one is when the cop told me that I smelled of alcohol, and I looked at him and said "you do know alcohol is odorless right?" I drove home.

Also the next best way to get out of a DUI is to have a good lawyer on speed dial, hand that lawyer lots of money, and then get out of your DUI.

If you don't drive after you've been drinking anything alcoholic, you won't have this problem. That's the all-time best way to get out of it: don't do it.

if you were drunk driving, i hope they put you in jail. i can't stand people who drive drunk, you're all a bunch of dumb@sses. a drunk driver killed a bunch of my family two days after christmas

oh and if you still think drunk driving isn't that bad and you only deserve a slap on the best friend just lost her other THREE closest friends today because some douchebag thought it was a good idea to drive drunk. they were all only 16 years old and just two weeks away from finishing their sophomore year in high school. and whats the worst part? the drunk driver survived. how typical.

just don't do it.

A sure way to get out of a DUI is to NOT drink & drive. If you get jail time or a fine, you probably deserved it.

get a good lawyer and try to get the charge dropped down to reckless driving.

if you believe that ? then you deserve what you get!...just stop DRINKING AND DRIVING before you end up killing someone Innocent or your self!

I paid a lawyer 3000 and got on probation and it went away.....

But now everybody thinks I am a drunk...

well i am.

Some how, I think what the DA said is bullshit. In California, for example, the legal blood alcohol level is 0.08%. If you're at that level or above it, you're legally drunk and shouldn't drive.
If you're below it, then you're not. If you must drink and drive,which is illegal, I suggest you have your drinks, then drink two mugs of hot coffee into which you have added lots of salt. Then drive. You should be able to drive straight and see straight, at least enough to get home.

Why would you wanna know the answer to that? Anyone who drinks should be responsible!!

the best way to get out of drunk driving is NOT TO DO IT!!!!!!!

Don't drink before you drive. If you do and you get a DUI consider yourself lucky. People's lives are changed everyday due to injury or death from drinking and driving. Call a cab or a friend. Just don't drive.

You must be the biggest idiot to believe a piece of BS like that.

Good luck with your drunk driving, moron.

Simple, don't drive drunk and u won't get into trouble.

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