Should teenagers be drinking this?!


Should teenagers be drinking this?

I'm not sure if these are alcoholic drinks or not. Are they and should they be drinking this?
Drink 1:
Drink 2:

They both look like alcoholic beverages to me. No they should not be drinking those.

If it it alcohol then no they shouldn't be drinking it, but if it is a mocktail than it is fine

They could be anything alcoholic, or maybe some type of fancy lemonade. It's hard to tell.

Pretty hard to judge from the photo, but they do look alcoholic to me! So No, not if they're under 21. It's against the law!

looks like Margarita. they can be made with out alcohol it's call a virgin Margarita.

the first one looks like ice tea but the second one is probable a alcaholic bevrage because martinis usually have that white stuff on the rim.

technically as a teenager u shouldnt drink alcohol, but as a teenager i would say go for it...its better than drinking shots of vodka or drinking out of a handle of captain lol

Humm a long island ice tea and a margarita, Teens aren't allowed 2 drink them but I think u should be able 2 drink in the usa when your 18 , think about it ur 18 u can smoke and become a striper if u wannabe but u can't drink a beer at the bar u strip at , now that is what I call messed up lol

They both look like alcoholic drinks to me. I personally don't think teenagers should drink any alcohol. Their bodies are still growing and it could be very detrimental to their health. Recent studies show that the younger a person starts to drink, the more likely that they will become alcoholic later in life. Please don't allow teens to drink until they are of an age to make up their own minds (i.e. legal drinking age). I am alcoholic and I don't want to see any of our kids end up like me.

the first one could be iced tea and the second COULD be a virgin margarita....though the idea of that baffles me

you cant tell just from a pic that it is alcoholic. they coudl be virgin drinks.

If it is alcohol then they are wrong but you shouldnt think that it is just because of the pic

they are margaritas and they are made with tequilla. and no teenagers shouldn't be drinking them because a lot of kids think that you cant get drunk off them because they taste like juice. but it is easier to get drunk with them and usually faster too.

The 1st image looks like a long island ice tea (lots of alcohol) and the 2nd looks like a margarita on the rock (tequila). If they are these drinks then by law no one under the age of 21 should consume them. It's a little hard to make either of these drinks in a non-alcoholic form!

The pictures are misleading, both could be iced tea or lemonade or an alcoholic iced tea and a margarita, the only way to know is to taste it yourself. If they are alcoholic, no is your answer. But in any case, you will have to taste them in order to be sure.

not if it has any alcohol and they look like they do. (long island ice tea and micholada.)

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