Why do people crave fatty foods when they're hung over?!
Why do people crave fatty foods when they're hung over?
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1 month ago
I always want lipton chicken noodle soup & poutine.
1 month ago
I always want lipton chicken noodle soup & poutine.
Because alcohol dehydrates your body completely. Your body knows it needs to be re-hydrated so it goes for the fatty stuff and needs to have food that can do this. You basically crave what you think that will accomplish this!
I dunno but fat just tastes good when you been drinking.
Alcohol causes your blood sugar to drop, so your body wants to get it back up. I drink so much chocolate milk when I have a hangover! It helps a lot.
no i dont
I don't know but that never happens to me. I can usually only eat pretzels or starches... nothing too sugary or fatty.
they are dehydrated .he brain craves aminoacids