Do you think it OK to drink and drive?!

Question: I'm going to a party Newyears Eve and I don't have a way home. I plan to get smashed. I only live two miles away?

Answers: I'm going to a party Newyears Eve and I don't have a way home. I plan to get smashed. I only live two miles away?

That's really dangerous! You should rent a 10 wheel dump truck to drive that evening so you don't get hurt!

Ha! I knew it!

No one living in 2007 could have posed this as a serious question. My answer was derived from a movie staring Eddie Murphy called Beverly Hills Cop. Remember the 10 wheel cement truck scene?

Thanks for the B/A! And keep the humor coming! Report It

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  • beeze's Avatar by beeze
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  • 2 miles? Walk it.

    walk lazy *** god gave u legs didnt he

    call a cab......get a designated driver or walk

    ask your mom to come pick you up???

    I hope natural selection catches up to you before you kill somone else!

    Of course its ok to drink and drive!! Everyone does it. I don't think the cops care, either.

    It is never ok to drink and drive.

    Take enough money for a cab or something.

    don't risk other peoples lives for your own lazyness, cheapness, and stupidity. if you live that close either, stay there, walk home, or CALL A CAB!!

    Get a ride, walk, stay home or stay sober. If you drive to the party, give someone your keys.

    It is never a good idea to drink and drive. Maybe you could just crash at the person's house, then drive home when you sober up.

    Nope! Don't even take the chance.

    walk! you dont wanna cause an accident and kill someone or kill yourself! or even end up in jail even if it is a 2 mile drive!

    It's only 2 miles - walk, cab, ask a non-drinker for a ride. It's only 2 miles so you will feel really stupid if you get caught, lose your license, have an accident or kill someone. Not worth the risk.

    NO!!! Absolutely NOT!! If you only live 2 miles away then walk home! Actually, many taxi companies have free or reduced prices on new years-- call around and see if they have taxis in the area.

    Do you think its OK to risk your or someone Else life over it. of course its NEVER OK to drive. For Pete's sake call a cab, do whatever, but don't drive home. Even if its 2 miles away,

    Are you trying to sound like and idiot or are you an idiot?, I can't even fathom you put this question up, do you want to go to jail? I hope you get a DuI you are so stupid!DO YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEONE?!I HOPE YOU GO TO JAIL BECAUSE THIS IS THE DUMBEST QUESTION I HAVE EVER HEARD! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A CAB? OH AND BY THE WAY I HOPE YOU DRIVE YOUR CAR INTO A DITCH!

    Walk or get a cab
    its not worth risking your life and definitely not worth risking someone else's life because you were drunk

    Of course its not okay!!
    Walk or get a ride. (someone who's not drunk) If not dont go to the party or "get smashed"
    Its Careless people who drive wasted that kill other innocent drivers. Dont make the mistake or soon they'll be a lawsuit on ur "smashed" ***.

    Who cares if anyone thinks it's a good idea? It happens to be illegal, and for very good reason. Walk, if you can. If you'[re too drunk to safely walk home, have someone call you a cab. Take money with you for this. Plan for this eventuality while you're sober.

    Well, I'd say walk, unless you'd get lost or might get sick and need help on the way back.
    Maybe have someone there take you home in their car, and you can walk back to your car the next day if it's only 2 miles.
    But if you're smashed, don't drive. There'll be stupid teenagers running the streets with fireworks, and we don't need one of them running in front of you while you have slower reaction time.

    Take a taxi~

    do you think it's ok to harm yourself or others??

    theres your answer!!
    do the right thing,my insticts are saying that you will!!

    never drink and drive, if it is only 2 miles away you can walk home or ask to stay they night or call a cab there are many options just dont drink and drive ever

    Define OK.
    Drunk driving is ok if you're 5 years and up.


    uhh walk. two miles is nothing

    heres the deal the local police and the transit authorities in most towns and city do that service for free some have free taxis paid by the public for that night and if you cant call one or have the host call one than ask that maybe the host of the party which are legally responsible for anyone they serve alcohol have a designated driver there that night to save the law suits from you or anyone being in a car accident I'M an alcoholic and didnt get a drivers license for 15 years because i knew i would kill someone maybe a child or someones pregnant wife see

    No, it is not okay. Think that most accidents happen that close to home and being drunk just increases those chances. You must have someone that can get you home safely or you call a taxi. Imagine how you'd feel if you killed someone or how your family would feel if you got killed. It's just not worth it. I know you probably want someone to say yes, though.

    You are joking. Right? It's never okay to drink and drive.

    Take a sleeping bag and crash on the porch if you have to get smashed. I'd hate to see you get run over because you can't tell the street from the sidewalk. Geesh!

    I'm curious. Are you even old enough to drive or drink?

    dont drink and drive get some one to pick u up

    Make sure to drive as fast as you can. That way the cop's will not have time to catch you.

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