First time drinking?!

Question: this is my first time drinking. and i don't want to be wasted or something. so if i just drink 3 shots. would that do anything?
i don't want to be drunk or anything. please, don't say anything like "you shouldn't be drinking at this age." but the truth is, most kids already do it.

i'm 15 and 1/2. so would that do anything harmful to my body (if i drink 3 shots)? or what would you reccomend to try first?

Answers: this is my first time drinking. and i don't want to be wasted or something. so if i just drink 3 shots. would that do anything?
i don't want to be drunk or anything. please, don't say anything like "you shouldn't be drinking at this age." but the truth is, most kids already do it.

i'm 15 and 1/2. so would that do anything harmful to my body (if i drink 3 shots)? or what would you reccomend to try first?

Okay, my mom gave me beer b4 the "legal" age and I'm thankful for it because it helped me 'hang' and not be a drunk-stupid which I am sure at 15 or any age would be embarrassing. TRUST me since it's ur first time - stick to a beer and work up from there .. steady sips n when you feel like u should stop at a reasonable pace then do so. Don't continue drinking. Shots r bad for first timers. If you do then ONLY one okay!? TRUST. Have fun !!

Btw, on an empty stomach the alki hits faster! So either eat b4 u go out or tread w/ caution. I won't say you are too young...but I will say that it is illegal....
But, YES! 3 shots of any liquor will have you wasted!

actually you are right, most kids are drinking by your age but the question remains is it right?? NO!!! Enjoy your childhood and if you feel overwhelming pressure to drink just remember all the kids partying and having "fun" now wont amount to sh!t....stay strong and true to YOU.

youd probably feel buzzed, you might have a sore stomach in the morning....depends what kind of shots you are taking (gin, vodka...) and how your body reacts to i cant have rye/rum/whiskey or im super wont hurt your body too much, i read before that you can have up to 6 oz a day before it effects you badly. in your case, you are only having 3 oz.

alcohol isnt always a bad thing, it has a lot of beneifical components too -if drank properly and not exceeded.

Well you should know that each person reacts differently and if you drink on an empty stomach, are allergic to alcohol or get drunk too quick you can wind up in a coma or at the very least in the hospital. Be sure your parents know where you are and what you are doing because if you are "old enough to drink" you are old enough to be honest about it. Blood alcohol poisoning is very common in people under 21 and even after then but it is very dangerous.

if you are going to drink all 3 shots at one time yes you will feel a nice buzz.

Since you are 15 and going to drink anyways i would advise drinking at home or a place where you will not be in a car or influenced by soemone to do something you will regret. Whether you believe it or not all Alchol does is take away your perception so you make decisions you would not normally make. Always something to keep in mind. Do you have alcholism in your family??? That is something to think about...if you do I would advise you not drink b/c it will be a bumpy road if you are an alcholic. My boyfriend took his first drink at the age of 12 and since was an alcholic. He is now a recoverying alcholic at the age of 33 and has 5 years sober. Just a seed to plant in your growing mind! be safe!

I'd suggest, if you insist on doing it, just one shot. At 15, your liver is not fully developed any more than the rest of you is, and the booze will have a much more pronounced effect on you. Maybe you could limit your experimentation to a glass of beer or wine? Don't guzzle either one; the whole point of alcoholic beverages, believe it or not, isn't to get smashed but to lower inhibitions enough that one can more easily converse and laugh and joke with others.
At 15, both of those drinks will also have a more noticeable impact on you - so don't have more than two cans of beer or two glasses of wine in a day.
Yeah, I know, us medical people are a real pain - but that's my job. I can't stop you from experimenting, but maybe I can save you a lot of grief if you'll take my suggestion to play it kewl.

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