How long does it take for alcohol not to be detected by a breathalyzer?!

Question: i need to go out tommorow and its far, and i will be drinking 3 pints or more, maybe 4 (not stupidly mashed up though), the event finishes at 4am. and i will be there from 7. will i be ok incase i get stopped by the feds? i need an answer of how long (hours) it takes so that the breathalyzer cant give me a fail if i get stopped.

i dont want no philosophical crap about drink driving and all that garbage, so dont say it.

Answers: i need to go out tommorow and its far, and i will be drinking 3 pints or more, maybe 4 (not stupidly mashed up though), the event finishes at 4am. and i will be there from 7. will i be ok incase i get stopped by the feds? i need an answer of how long (hours) it takes so that the breathalyzer cant give me a fail if i get stopped.

i dont want no philosophical crap about drink driving and all that garbage, so dont say it.

It takes a healthy liver 1 hour to process 1 measure of alcohol AFTER you have finished drinking, a pint counts for 2 measures. So arrive there at 7, down your four pints by half past, you're fit to drive at 3.30am. And if you're willing to drink coke between 7.30pm and 4am be my guest! (And that assumes you've recently visited a doctor that's told you you have a healthy liver).

I'm going to look out for your best answer. I'd really like you to tell us that you were DES (designated driver), took no chances and drank soft drinks (not even 1 beer) all night OR you'll tell us how good the party was, how much you drank (the more the better as far as I'm concerned) AND you took a cab, walked home or stayed in a B&B.

I've been caught for drink driving and trust me, its really not worth it. I got 18 month ban and £235 fine. But had to take a day off to go to court, had to explain this to work. Then had to change shifts to work nights as public transport couldn't get me there at 6am. You have this on your licence for 11 years and it will boost your insurance premium for 5. It really is more grief than its worth.

Do the right thing, take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!

if your stopped your in trouble

2 hours for every one drink. (1 drink = 1 shot or 1 <12 oz.> beer)

it depends on your body mass basically. but 13 hours, to totally be sober again

get a cab or don't drink.. is losing your license worth it or worse hitting someone

4 pints will put u over the limit, 3 will also..try zero.

they should make drivers who knock down people speak to the family.

your silly for posting such a question, you obviously don't know the rules of the road.

don't moan about it when u get a 1+ year ban ok?

take a cab and dont worry about it

It depends how much you drink and how long it takes to get out your system. Its normally around 12hrs-24hrs

Are you in america? i'm gussing by the feds and Z's everywhere, just don't drive a pick up lorry and you'll be fine

It takes about two hours for every serving of alcohol to be broken down by the body. Drink early in the night and then drink water the rest an you should be ok depending on your body.

Maybe just get a hotel, or stay with a friend?

that all depends on how long it takes your boby to rid itself of the alcohol in your system, everyones differant. But if you know you have to drive, why drink, or if you have too - drink less - sorry but I had to put that in

wow, the feds cruise your streets? with my record I wouldn't drink in my own house.

1 hour per ounce of liquor or 1 hour per beer, but this can vary from person to person.

i think in the UK u r allowed the equivalent of 2 pints before u are over the limit , but seeing as u r in the US i haven't got a scooby.

every 30 min u loose like .01 or .005 of ur B.A.C. so if u were at like .1 then it would take about 2 hours to get to .08

Drink driving isn't crap or garbage.

If you're hoping to cut it that fine, you'll deserve what you get. That's common sense, not preaching.

Atleast you asked, unlike some other people that would have just drove and got someone killed.

12 hours from bottle to throttle !

Hope you get stopped and prosecuted!

Drink drivers are scum... To even contemplate it is cun*ish!

2 pints 2 hours, 3 pints 3 hours, and it takes 5 hours for anything over and above that.
but hey err on the cautious side, i know people who had a skinful went home to bed for 5 /6 hours got up and were stopped in the morning, still over the limit.

no crap spilt a taxi or stay the night, a cheap b&b £20, i been on the other side.

A number of factors determine how long alcohol will stay in a person’s system — including age, sex, weight, body fat, and physical condition. No matter how much alcohol is consumed or what blood alcohol concentration level has been achieved, the liver, which breaks down approximately 95% of all alcohol consumed, requires about one hour to metabolize the alcohol in one standard drink. The remaining 5% passes out via the urine, the breath, and perspiration. One standard drink is defined as a 12 oz. beer, a 4 oz. glass of wine, or a shot (1.5 oz.) of liquor.
A person can still be affected by alcohol after it’s “out of the system.” In one study, participants were asked to drink between 10 pm and 2 am and were then tested performing various tasks at 9 am the next morning. Subjects showed significant impairment in their ability to recall information, retrieve information, and other cognitive tasks. This impairment was present even though blood alcohol levels were at or very near .00.

It takes about 4hours to lose the alchohol from 1 pint. Zero in other words. If you drink 1/2 pint per hour you should stay under .01. If you quaff 4 pints...mmm it will take 8 hours to reach .01. good luck!

There are many variables it depends on the rate of absorbtion; if you have eaten the food in your gut will absorb alcohol and it will take a while for it to leave your system. If you've eaten nothing you will be wrecked after 2-3 pints. With 4 pints I reckon you would need 8 hours to be safe. But why not buy a breatherlyzer or two from a pharmacy they are cheap and you can test yourself.

a good sleep

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