How much is too much to drink?!


How much is too much to drink?

I drink mostly wine, on average 5 or 6 times a week. I used to be able to have a glass and be quite tipsy. Now (a year later) a bottle is necessary to give me the feeling I crave. At least twice a month friends and I go out and seriously drink to the point of me not remembering things. I love the feeling the alcohol gives me but I despise the hangover. I do hear that wine is good for you, but what is excessive? Can I continue to drink but in moderation? I don’t think I am willing to give it up.

For health, 1-2 glass per day of red wine is the limit.
But for pleasure, it's as much as you can hold in without tossing or falling down. As Mark Twain said, "too much whiskey is just enough", the same applies to wine or any alcohol for that matter.
The body builds up tolerance for alcohol with continuous training so it's normal for you to need more to get the same buzz.
It's either you rest during the week so as to slow the build up of the tolerance or prepare to fork out for more and more progressively for the same kick.

Too much when it affects your social and/or financial life.

too much is never enough keep it going

Wine is good for you....hmmm... Since when has alcohol been good for the human body? Never that I have heard of. Your body can handle more and more because you are becoming tolerant of alcohol. The more you drink the more you can handle, simply that. There is not a certain set amount for people to drink, you know your body, you know what you can handle. It's all trial and error. I think you need help if you are drinking that much, but that is just my opinion, it is your life. It can seriously affect your life, think of all the better things you could be doing or spending your money on. Good Luck.

A glass a day is acceptable. When you're 'craving' the feeling of being drunk, that may be telling you that you have an addiction. You may want to consider getting help.

I think drinking is acceptable once a week. I know how you feel though. Alcohol gives me a feeling that I am invincible and I love it. But Responsibility is the key here. I kinda messed up my whole life by drinking and partying to much my first semester of college this year, but my second semester I promised myself I would only drink once a week and I lived up to it. Never give it up though alcohol is the greatest social invention of all times.

First off you don't seem to have the mentality of age to consume alcoholic beverages, But the drinking person's body weight had a big affect on levels of highness. Nothing in excess is good as a matter of fact drinking is hard on the liver and cravings is a sign of a future alcoholic.

You should know your own limits, but some people don't. That's when they get stupid and do things they regret. I used to be an alcoholic, I mean I would get to the point that I would wake up shaking and need a drink in the morning to calm me down. I was spending $100 a night on drinks for my self and that was nearly every night. Even then I didn't pick fights, sleep around or anything like that. I just went out with friends and drank and shot pool. If you get to the point where or even before it, that you feel that you need to have a drink. You have a problem. I went to rehab and everything, I drink only on special occasions and my wife keeps tabs on me. Alcoholism is a disease and even if you have gone into rehab you could still have a relapse. A glass of wine is good for you every once in a while. It thins your blood and helps your heart beat easier. There isn't much you can do for a hangover. And a wine hangover is the worst. Hangovers are severe dehydration. Basically drink some Gatorade to get your electrolytes back and take some Tylenol. If you can't control how much you drink get someone to help you moderate it for you or cut you off. Have them hold your money for you. Or don't drink at all. I now have a damaged liver because of all the drinking I used to do. Take care. Yes there is a set amount. It goes off your body weight. Usually it takes about 1 hr for your body to process one drink. 1 mixed drink (one shot) = one 12 oz beer = one glass of wine. So if you start drinking at 9pm and have 5 drinks it will be 2 am before you should be legaly safe to drive. And if you drink too much too fast you could get alcohol poisoning. Your blood becoumes too thin to carry the oxygen it needs and your body starts to shut down, you could pass out and depending on the severity you could die.

Ooooh, you'll know when it happens to you.

You know when you've had enough when a) you can't physically get any more down your throat b) when all the people in the room suddenly apear to be on the ceiling c) when everybody looks really good looking d) when you either want to fight everyone or love everyone

When you pass out and become physicaly unable to pick up the bottle. Thats when youve had enough and you may want to wait until the morning to continue. Personally, I like to start off the morning with a nice glass of Wild Turkey 101. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Please never allow anything or anyone control and rule your life.When you can't remember, the wine is in control.Try sipping and drink a little water between glasses.Be safe and careful of your health...

Sounds like you're an alcoholic, you need to get help before you spiral down into addiction and die homeless on the streets.

May sound harsh but it's the truth! Have a lovely day

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