What has alcohol done for you?!


What has alcohol done for you?

1. Got wicked Drunk, alot
2. Got wicked sick, many times
3. Got into arguments with my spouces a few times. (not violent) and lost them both to divorce
4. Received 2 DWI's (or DUI's)
5. Lost my License for 1 year
6. Cost me over 2,000 in llawyer fees and court cost (See#4)
7. Couldn't get a real truck driving job until it came off my record (5yrs)
8. My GF used that as an excuse to move out, this week.
9. My oldest daughter doesn't speak to me.
10. I get a pain in my gut every so often.

Living proof.

gotten me drunk

Nothing. I don't drink it.

gotten me drunk...which lead to a lot of fun, a lot of consequences and a lot of regrets. I stay away and enjoy my days coherent


Truthfully? I notice that when people ask a
question about *alcohol* instead of beer,
whiskey, mixed drinks, Southern Comfort
or Boone's Farm, they might think of posting
those in Health instead.

Just my opinion.


A lot of regrets

nothing, apart from a bad head, lighter pocket, and kidneys that have been working overtime! there is a brighter side i suppose, the world starts to look more beautiful, and the men much more attractive!!!!!


Although the question itself sounds rhetrical, I will offer a defense of alcohol.

Beer and cereal malt beverages are the great socializing drinks of the young adult world. I'm talking 21+ here, not teenagers. (I do think the drinking age should be back at 18, but that's another topic.) It allowed me, as a young man, to come out of my protected shell and meet friends and make romantic relationships which otherwise would've escaped me due to my childhood shyness.

Alcohol led to the complete abolition of my crippling introversion. It allowed me to develop my public personality. It aided my ability to speak in public, before audiences, on radio and television.

Now, I'm not saying I was drunk on stage or on microphone. I never had a drink of any sort within 12 hours of being in front of an audience. I'm talking about the healthy development of my personality through socializing that led to an increased self-confidence that allowed me to do things I never thought I'd be able to do such as perform in public with assurance.

Not the answer you're looking for probably, but an honest one.

Helps me relax, helps me put things in perspective, helps me sleep etc etc.

A bit of alcohol in moderation is fine.

Honestly, alcohol doesn't do anything except loosen me up. I am usually happier and more sociable when drunk. Besides, a cold beer after a hot day of working does something for a man.

Makes me happy..but does cost a lot of money, makes me do stupid things, and get sick from over doing it-still good times

gets me drunk and makes me quit worrying about stuff......

like my pending DWI, and my suspended DL and my bad relationships and my lawyer's fee and other things like that.....

Got me laid a few times. Never went home with an ugly woman, but woke up with a few.

Ruined relationships, Caused health problems, How 9 months sober. And I feel a 100% better.

I never gave it a chance to do anything for or against me.I stay in control of it,if I decide to drink some.You???

i think Tom T. Hall said it best........................i think you let me fly just so you could see me fall. You took my friends, you took me too......whiskey, i gave it all to you

got me into AA

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