Drinking Alcohol....?!


Drinking Alcohol....?

Is it worse to:

a) Not drink all week, then have a few on the weekend, maybe getting a bit tipsy.


b) Enjoy one can of beer every night of the week.

Dependence or binging... hmmm...

When reading up on alcohol use you will find several opinions. Some are don't touch at all. Others tell, consume in moderation ( one to two drinks per day or one to two cans of beer per day). Preferably when you are ready to go to bed. Alcohol in moderation has benefits. It lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol. Remember, you are not to operate any equipment, drive a vehicle, or take any substances that have a risk of raising your blood pressure while consuming alcohol. Alcohol will also combine with blood pressure medication to lower your blood more.

Military medic and living throughout the years.

I don't really think you could say that a) counts as dependency, or b) counts as binging.

Tipsy is not a state of advanced drunkenness, I think you're being over-sensative about the issue.

I binge drink every few weeks and the come down off it is horrendous.

I drink a little every night. I don't consider myself dependent. In my opinion, people that binge drink can get really annoying, make stupid decisions, and are more apt to get sick to their stomachs.

one a night

by tipsy does that just mean buzzed or completely wasted. moderation in everything, i think you have to think about the motivation of it. do you really need to drink every night or are you because it's tasty? are you going out and having a good time with friends? or just getting drunk for the sake of it. i don't think either is good per se. but to each thier own.

i think its ok to just drink on the weekends like friday night and saturday iwouldnt drink everyday cuz it wont have a effect on you

having a big binge every so often is worse for you than having a glass of wine or beer every night. if you drink in moderation then its always better than getting bladdered

Biblically its not to be a drunkard

Physically sound a little small and easily overtaken maybe should leave the drinking to the pros (those that started earliernad already kinda know what they can handle)

does it matter as long as u enjoy yourself? i drink every damn day and it keeps me sane

Getting a bit tipsy at the weekend is not binging. Binging is getting absolutely hammered and waking up in your own vomit.

I'd say its worse to actually binge drink but then again drinking a can of beer each night isnt great either.

One can of a beer every night of the week is different than having a few on the weekend.. if you are catching a buzz from one can of beer you must weigh about 14 pounds or have the tolerance of a kitten... So right there are you are showing two different goals from your scenarios.. in A) you are drinking maybe to be social and catch a buzz where in B) you are drinking one can (or bottle... who drinks from cans anyways unless you are in high school drinking schlitz) because you like the taste of the beer and not looking to catch a buzz.

A binge drinker does not have just a few beers.. they have many beers... and a binge drinker just doesn't drink to the point where they feel a little funny.. usually they drink until they can't feel anything... So this question really is flawed in it's logic just because of that...

Plenty of people enjoy the taste of beer and will enjoy a couple drinks a couple nights a drink as a way to cap off a night or just unwind from a busy day of work... just like many people will have a couple of the weekend to be social with their friends and if a buzz happens, so be it..

But when you are talking about such small numbers of drinks, there is not any dependence there to speak of... a dependant doesn't drink one beer a night to feel better... that is like saying the guy who likes weed takes one hit a night... you aren't going to find that either... or the cokehead who will have half a line... it just doesn't work that way.

A little bit of a and a little bit of b shounds fine to me. ENJOY!

Dunno about health implications but i find a good session now and again does wonders. But I don't get wasted like i used to in my late teens and 20's (well maybe sometimes).

Just do what feels right but much better to stop in pub on way home than to open a can.

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