Do you find it hard to laugh around people, but easy when watching TV?!


Do you find it hard to laugh around people, but easy when watching TV?

Only because when I laugh, I'm usually eating Saltines, and my friends get pissed when I spray cracker crumbs all over them!

not about laughing, but i cry sometimes when i watch tv, but never in front of other people

No...i am always laughing around my friends, and just ne1 dat is but i can get really comfortable really fast...u probably have trust issues...but if u dont, then having a beer or two wil help ur nerves...dat is when u r around ppl

I laugh when I feel like laughing.

Sometimes. I can be alone and laugh my head off. When i am with my friends i can't get any laughs out sometimes. lol its weird. I love my positive friends. There will be times i will laugh hard with my friends and there would be times something can be funny but i can't laugh. weird sorry.
TV is easy to laugh.

Yah with ppl ard u will not laughed as hard when compare to watching tv at home!!!

no, I laugh easily anywhere around or not around people. Just my nature I guess. lol. TV has nothing to do with it at all for me.

It's alot easier to be yourself when watching tv cause no one is around to hear you and judge you etc., If you can't laugh around people and be yourself, it's because you are feeling self conscious and wondering what people are thinking. I find it very easy to laugh around people, but harder to talk to people I don't know very well and be myself!

I am a comedian at heart and love to laugh. When things are funny, whether in person or on tv I am quick to let out a big bellow. If it's funny - then go ahead and laugh. In fact, I think I'm better at laughing with friends than at the tube. Watching or hearing something funny actually happen right before my eyes has more laugh appeal to me. Before reading your responses I guess I would have never thought about the self conscience thing holding one's laugh back - hmmm. I suppose since I'm so free to laugh that I don't lack self confidence in that department. I'm the girl that will laugh really hard at something that happened yesterday.

Laughing adds years to lives and it's so important. I remember a study once where kids laugh 3 times more than adults do. This is why they lead happier lives. After hearing that I thought to myself - I must be somewhere in the middle. Don't think I laugh as much as a kid but definitely laugh a lot so can't be put on the same scale as an average adult.

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