How do I become white trash?!

Question: I feel that my current social status is too high. How can I lower my status a few notches?

Do I need to change my favorite brand of beer or wine?

Answers: I feel that my current social status is too high. How can I lower my status a few notches?

Do I need to change my favorite brand of beer or wine?

At least place one or two old appliances into your front yard. These can be hauled off from some appliance stores at very reasonable rates. Decorate your front hedge with several blue plastic Walmart bags (you may have to ask a dear friend to get you some), and always drink cheap beer from a can. Strew a few around your front porch for ambience, and carefully place a cigarette butt into a small puddle of beer to get that extra special effect. If you are desperate, perhaps you could have dear friend knock out a front tooth. Good luck, and don't give up on your dreams!

Asking the question is a step in the right direction. :P

Move to a house trailer in Alabama

dont do it, you are only gonna encounter losers that just want to take advantage of you.

Thunderbird and Milwaukee's Best.

Natty Ice always makes me feel that way

This is easy. Stop cutting your hair and shaving. You motioned something about booze, drink cheap crap, it will make your guts hurt and you will feel like crap. This will give a ****-eatin grin. Finally forget everything you know about grammar.

agree with first comment....and hey....whats wrong with alabama????????

Lol, drink as much as possible and lower your productivity.

Start drinking Night Train, Or Mad Dog 20/20, And chase it with Steel Reserve, Some of us need to be in the Lap of Luxury....

smoke the cheapest cigs, drink the cheapest beer, get yourself an early 80's muscle car that's trashed, wear trucker style hats, go bare foot everywhere, make sure your hair is oily, apply for welfare checks, grow out a mullet style hair do, always leave the hood of your 80's muscle car open with oily rags hanging off the fenders, place empty milk crates in front of your trailer, tear the curtains of your trailer's windows.

any other inputs?

Ask your Pappy....if you can find him.

Buy a bottle of Manachivitz and invite all the neighbors over for a toast to the new baby that you and your sister just had.

If you think that you are above everyone else then you have just lowered yourself by asking this stupid question. Keep it up.

Grow a MULLET, wear faded torn jeans and flannel shirts/wife beater with pit stain....drink lots of beer so you get a beer belly....and the ultimate is moving into a trailer park.

Throw away your tupperware, and replace with empty coolwhip containers. For food storage.

grow a mullet, drink PBR only, get a nice beer gut.

Drink PBR and knock out a few teeth.

haha, yah beeeer. But white trash is something ure born into i think.

You Idiot.

Start drinking Miller Lite.

The mullet is a good start. After that start liking Budweiser or Natural Light. Proclaim that real men don't drink beer for a glass and enjoy your hog swill brew... Start watching NASCAR.

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