Why is beer important to you?!

Question: I like to drink beer every weekend. My favorites are guiness and sam adams. I like the taste and the way it makes me feel


Answers: I like to drink beer every weekend. My favorites are guiness and sam adams. I like the taste and the way it makes me feel


Beer is God's way of saying he likes to see us happpy.

I love a good cold beer when I'm thirsting.

it's not coffee is though

nothing at all

i dont like beer

It seems that its more important to you ?

i dont. but almost all my friends do. its just 'livin the dream' :) everyone luvs it. i think ppl relax when they do.

I hate beer, it has a horrible taste.

That Loving Feeling

Heineken! Taste great!

It's a hearty drink (at least real beer is, none of that light beer is anything I would waste my time on).

It takes the edge off after a day of stress and hard work.

It brings people together by lightening our burdens and allowing us to toast, and it is mostly drank in pubs where socializing is encouraged.

It fills my stomach and makes me sleepy.

It helps me think of ways to talk to attractive women.

It goes good with a football game, and a plate of buffalo wings.

I haven't touched a beer for over 5 years, you wouldn't believe how much money I was spending on boos. gl

I like the inner harmony accompanied by the consumption of beer!

I don't like beer at all.

I rarely drink but when I do it's rum or vodka.

Did you like the taste of beer the first time you tried it? People say it's an acquired taste. I suppose if you ate **** enough, you'd eventually acquire a taste for it.

Well, I hate beer. It killed my brother. So, if you like it and you do not drink it while driving then good.

Frankly, I like getting drunk, and sometimes I enjoy the flavor.

That its available to all who are of age.

I like how it gathers my friends, and we get a time to reconnect with each other again

I personally don't drink beer(straight) but I do cook with it like pouring it over the steak/chicken that's on a BBQ grill for more of a zesty unique flavor to the meat.

lets see, it's important to me because my fiance was killed by a drunk driver when I was 17. My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver. My husband comes to bed reeking of it so badly that I have to sleep in a different room. It is just so fricking important to me because I just finished off paying off $5,000 in fines due to my dear's drunk driving arrest. One of my best friends of 30 years just died of scirrohis of the liver. My brother and I don't talk because he can't stay sober for 5 minutes. I JUST LOVE THE STUFF.

it gets me drunk wooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo

it gives me dat burning feeling inside... dat energy feeling...it good specially wen ur enjoying it with a gurl....

Because its INTOXICATING mate hehhe.

I used to drink and one of the reasons i liked beer soo much was the color and the cold crispy taste,,,,,especially Heineken and Guiness stout mmmm. I dont drink much anymore for some strange reason oh well i guess i have "MATURED OVER THE YEARS" hehhe


i can't even choke down a sip.

i prefer vodka.

it makes me feel pretty damn good

I enjoy the buzz, The flavor, I average a case of beer a day, I guess it's a way of life....

Beer (or too much of it) allows you to be more courageous than you would be if you didn't drink a lot of it.

Civilization was started because of beer. Many archaeologists believe that a primary reason we went from being hunter gatherers to an agricultural society was beer.

Plus it tastes damn good.

I love Coors Light & Heineken only cause my step dad used to give it to me when I was little everynight or when he wanted me to sleep. haha So thats like the only reason why I love beer now but i don't drink as much now cause it fucks up my whole exercise routine.

It allows me to be a man. My wife has such a grip on my testicles that I can't do a fukin thing without hearing #@Q$#^&@$#%@$%^&$%&^!@#$%^&*&%$#%^%&#@$%...

. She hates it when I drink with my friends but by God it's the last bit of manhood I got and i WILL NEVER RELINQUISH IT TO HER.

I like it cause it makes you look cute.. HAHAHA!! and it relax me..

It's a Queer drink, I'd much rather a WKD

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