Does a beer a day make you an alcoholic?!


Does a beer a day make you an alcoholic?


no... drinking in excess frequently makes you an alcoholic... if you have 1 a day, i think you'll be fine... ya know, in france, people believe that 1 glass of wine a day keeps you healthy... the thing is, just don't go overboard and drink in excess!

Drinking in moderation does not make you an alcoholic. If you were drinking six beers a day and constantly getting drunk, then I'd say you were an alcoholic.

Unless it's a keg, no.

No, alcoholics drink to get drunk. If you only drink a typical beer in one day, you aren't going to get drunk from that.

no way

I would say no. Sounds more like a responsible beer enthusiast.

Not at all.

No way! I drink more than one beer a day and I'm not an alcoholic. Alcoholic's go to meetings!

try that for twenty years and i would say YES!

Only you can truly answer that. For some, it is one beer too many. For others, it is but a way to relax. For me, a beer a day is way too much.

I would research it through the various alcoholic help sites to determine if you are or are leaning towards it. But only you (or your doctor) can truly make that determination.

No. But it puts you in the right direction.

You don't want to 'addict' yourself to alcohol, and a beer a day will slowly addict you physically to that vile substance. Practice Moderation.

definitely not. Regardless of what anyone says.....

Yes because it isnt healthy and its maybe a habbit so it does make someone an alcoholic

No - You could present a similar question by saying: "If I drink one Mountain Dew a day, am I an alcoholic"? -- I know thats a bit of stretch, but one beer a day hardly makes you an alcoholic..

To be an "alcoholic" one must be affected by the alcohol, and unless your a 75lb, 8 year old little girl -- 1 beer will not affect you in any way.

Not really.


If you feel empty or crave it on a day you don't have one, it might be a problem.

Just one beer a day?
I'm way passed redemption then, get me the number for AA

It depends on the size of the beer. But, no a beer a day does not an alcoholic make. If you cannot get through your day without drinking then you should look into it.

That depends how big the beer... or how damaged your liver is.

People who are not alcoholics don't wonder if they are alcoholics.

If you can stop at one beer, you are not an alcholic. If that one a day is breakfast thats not good however. Is this beer the only alchohol you have all day or do you switch to wine or hard liquor? If it is all you drink you are fine.

A six pack a day maybe, but one or two beers probably helps with the stress level too.....

no--it might make you rounder, tho'

No. I'm a recovering alcoholic and you've gotta trust me here--no.

No. Numerous studies show that one 12 oz beer a day can be healthy.

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