What is the strongest shot of alcohol available?!


What is the strongest shot of alcohol available?

Everclear.... I had a friend in high school that would breathe fire with it at parties!

200 proof

pure grain alcohol.

Everclear (95 % alcohol!!)

Miller Lite

or Budwiser

How about drinking Ethenol (pure alcohol)

ever clear

I believe it is something called Everclear :).


aviation fuel? :)

everclear...had me puking for about an hour

pure grain alcohol listed at 190 proof or 95% grain alcohol. not for the squeamish, as it is like drinking poison, which it is, and will give you an instant headache as it is almost impossible for your body to digest.

200 proof 100% alcohol. my dad made some schnapps when i was a kid. you could feel it from the lips to the stomach, and back up again by vomiting.

Everclear grain alcohol -- 95% pure alcohol and very very flammable. It is not supposed to be drunk as is, but it's probably as strong as they come.

Grain alcohol is the strongest, but you don't want to drink it as a shot, and no bar will sell it to you. Absinthe and Polish Butterflies (grain alcohol and Blue Curacao) are 75% alcohol.

I'd have to say Everclear. Good luck finding it - they only sell it in certain states.

the three amigo's shot jack,jim,and jose quervo in a triple shot glass

EVERCLEAR!! very dangerous to your body and very nasty!! def have a chaser within arms reach.

Well from a numbers standpoint it is Everclear (190 proof / 95% alcohol). Hard to find, banned in many states, and you need to mix it with 100% juice. But the problem is you can NOT shoot it, it evaporates or whatever in your throat, very tough to do a shot, if not impossible.

So from a shot aspect (no mixer or ice), then I would say Bacardi 151 (151 proof / 75% alcohol). This is sold in almost every state and bar, still taste terrible.

Irish pucheen.

It is totally undrinkable, and the taste lingers for days.

Lots of people who have visited Ireland have been sold pucheen, but its not the real thing. If you ever taste the
real thing, you will know.

(Other answerers are getting per cent alcohol mixed up with degrees alcohol. 100 per cent alcohol would probably kill you if you tried drinking it).

200 proof undenatured grain alcohol, which you have to have a special permit to buy and are not supposed to use for drinking. A lot of chem labs have this, and anyone who has worked in a chem lab for any length of time probably has heard a story from someone who raided the alcohol cabinet to mix up some high-proof screwdrivers with the grain alcohol.

Note to Freebird: Aviation fuel contains no alcohol, but a lot of other things that can hurt you. Small aircraft with simple piston engines use either auto gas or 100 LL-- 100 octane low-lead fuel. Turbine and jet aircraft use Jet A fuel, which is a form of kerosene. You do NOT want to try drinking either of these things!

Strongest I have ever had was Everclear.... 190 proof I believe. Bacardi 151 Rum is probably the second strongest I have had. Try it in a "Liquid Cocaine Shot," 1/2oz Jagermeister, 1/2oz Goldshlager, and 1/2oz Bacardi 151 Rum.

Everclear is a brand of grain alcohol (ethanol), available at concentrations of 95% alcohol (190 proof) and 75.5% (151 proof).

In the United States, Everclear is a brand of grain alcohol (ethanol), available at concentrations of 95% alcohol (190 proof) and 75.5% (151 proof).[1] By contrast, hard liquors such as rum and vodka generally contain 40% alcohol (80 proof). Everclear is manufactured by Luxco formerly made by the David Sherman Corporation.

Due to Everclear's lack of sugar and impurities (congeners), it may make drinkers less vulnerable to hangovers. However, the lack of a strong flavor tends to promote overconsumption. Everclear is usually mixed into an alcoholic beverage, and is highly flammable.

Having more thaan 4 doses can cause a terribly reaction of serious blod clots or various risks of being critcally injured.

Hope this helps!


Bacardi 151

PGA...I don't reccommend it. Might as well drink gasoline

try this combo get don eduardo tequila buy the silver or the ligh yellow i prefer the light yellow then add ashot of Everclear ang get a cup for shots. cover with your palm cover it and slam it on the table about two times don't drink more than 12 oz or you wil damage your esophagus. it will get you drunk with a little.It migh be to strong .

I believe my educated country cousin would most likely smile a toothless grin and say "Moonshine". This should not be confused with Everclear because it is only 190 proof. Moonshine, in its purest form has not been filtered and would proof out to 200. Everclear is advertised as grain alcohol, but because of it's proof rating is not 100% pure.


Illegal - Moonshine
Legal - Everclear

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