I need Co2 for my home kegerator where do I get it?!
I need Co2 for my home kegerator where do I get it?
I bought a home single keg/tap kegerator for my house a couple years ago and was getting my Co2 tank filled at a local store that went out of business last week.
I don't have any connections with distrabutiors and need to find a place where I can refill (or trade my empty for a full one) my small (about 16 inches tall/8 in around) Co2 tank. I'm in Miami Fl
I live in Denver and I know of two different liquor stores that sell kegs and will exchange an empty Co2 tank for a full tank for $10. Seeing that Miami is a major metro area, I would assume there should be liquor stores that have a similar exchange system. I suggest checking the yellow pages for liquor stores and calling around and asking. If a store says no, ask if they know of any other places they know of that exchange Co2 tanks.
Check medical supply outlets, like Medigas that sell gasses, etc. commercialy.
I believe welding supply companies sometimes sell compressed gases, too.
I get mine from a local fire extinguisher company.
I get mine filled at a local place that sells different kinds of compressed gasses.