When did you start drinking?!


When did you start drinking?

1) How young were you had that first rebellious drinking experience? Did you get completely wasted?
2) Did you start drinking regularly (like every weekend) before you reached 21?
3) Once you hit the drinking age, did you limit yourself to social drinking, drink often, or decide to abstain from alcohol?

I like this question! ahhh, memory lane...
1. I started when I was 14 and i was with my (ex)best friend and her older brother. We stayed up for the whole night and began drinking in the morning, all throughout the day (we were at a pool, just chillin). We kept it going on even until night time, where I LITERALLY blacked out on the floor, waking up with food in my hair all over
2. NOT every weekend....i only drank on special occasions up until I was 17. (I still AM 17) now i drink like...everyday almost. oh, except yesterday. and maybe tonight.
3. erm um well I'm not the legal age but I dont limit myself, I do what i want to do. Unless i'm with somebody and dont want to be only the drunk one. being drunk+being alone= SHITTY

21 only other wise you kill your brain cells and you wont grow up smart

Why?You are a 15 yr. old girl and want to start drinking,aren't ya?lol.Umm...I don't drink.So.....I can't answer you question!
I don't want to wake up and my house is a mess and my 1 yr. old pooped on the floor and have a buzz.<=(


1- wasn't rebellious just normal at 15

2- I was drinking 4-5 days a week when I was 17

3- I drink everyday now and have pending charges for a DWI.

1) I actually never had a "rebellious" drinking experience at a young age.
2) No, I didn't.
3) I drink socially and enjoy it. I've been drunk a couple of times and did NOT enjoy it, so I stick to a few drinks when I do have alchohol.

I was 16 the first time I got drunk and of course I puked. I swore I would never drink again. 20 years later I drink every evening.

1) New years eve with my best friend and her brother when I was 12. I thought I was wasted, but I probably wasn't
2) no
3) I drink socially

1) I was 14 and I did get completely wasted and I blacked out.

2) I did not start drinking regularly. I actually didn't drink again 'til a year later.

3) social drinking. I drink every once in a while with friends and I'll have a beer or two every week or so. I try not to go overboard. I actually got wasted a few weeks ago, but that was the first time in YEARS!

12, yes,more and more and more. 2 dui no more

1. 15 and no
2. no
3. social drinking

1) How young were you had that first rebellious drinking experience?
Did you get completely wasted?
2) Did you start drinking regularly (like every weekend) before you reached 21?
~Yes sometimes more regularly

3) Once you hit the drinking age, did you limit yourself to social drinking, drink often, or decide to abstain from alcohol?~abstain I was pregnant, drinking was on a rare occasion when not pregnant

I was 16 my first time, when I was away from home for a few months. Started drinking quite alot, but when I went home I only drank 4 times before my next trip, which was almost 6 months later, and on which I was drinking again. It all had to do with being independent and unsupervised, able to buy alcohol in a foreign country, and getting free drinks at clubs. Not a normal lifestyle of a teenager in the US...

i first started drinking when i was 15 with my sister and her best friend at the time. After that i would only drink at parties, til my senior year, my friends and i would rent a hotel room for the night every weekend and just get messed up. I went to Cancun for my senior trip and got completely wasted there, came home after a week and continued for about a year. I'm now 21, almost 22, and all the alcohol is catching up with me. If i even smell alcohol in a drink, i get sick to my stomach. It really sucks cuz we will have parties once in a while and i cant even drink, but i still have fun.

1) First time i drank i was a sophmore... maybe a junior in highschool. so about 3 years ago. && yes, i got wasted.
2) From this past november until about jan. i drank pretty much every night. With that being the exception, no, i dont go out every weekend with the intent to drink.
3) iM only 19, so i cant really answer this =]

I was 15 my first time and I was completley wasted after 4 whiskey and cokes,Now it takes me about 10 before im wasted... I still drink to this day..Im 27

at age 14 but back then just a scant 4 years later we got guns and a free tip to the jungle

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