Help, my dad is drunk ?!

Question: My dad is like smashed and I'm trying to get him to goto his bed but he refuses and also, he is becoming very emotional because he recently lost his mother and he was saying that he is glad to have me as a son e.c.t....Is there anything I should know about like techniques or anything that will help my dad ?

Will he start to become tired soon ? HELP ?!

(P.s. he is beginning to remind me of Dylan Moran)

Answers: My dad is like smashed and I'm trying to get him to goto his bed but he refuses and also, he is becoming very emotional because he recently lost his mother and he was saying that he is glad to have me as a son e.c.t....Is there anything I should know about like techniques or anything that will help my dad ?

Will he start to become tired soon ? HELP ?!

(P.s. he is beginning to remind me of Dylan Moran)

My heart goes out to you honey. Sounds like he will be getting tired soon. Give him a glass of water. He should start winding down soon.

Make him so coffee and a sandwich the coffee will sober him up and the bread will soak up the alcohol, give him blanket and stuff and lay him down on the couch and put on the tv.
good luck

get him a blanket, a glass of water and settle him on the sofa. talk to him calmly for a bit til he calms down then leave him to sleep it
off. he is mourning, give him some slack.

You shouldn't have to handle this alone. Go get some help.

with all due respect, if your dad is that wasted why are you sat on Yahoo Answers? ask him if he wants to talk about things. dont force him to do anything he doesnt want to do (i.e putting him to bed) as drunk people can turn nasty when encroached upon. ask him if he wants a coffee or some water. the best thing you can do is leave him be, obviously move anything that may cause him injury should he fall over etc., but just let him know youre there for him should he wanna talk.

good luck xx

Just comfort him and pick him up by putting his arm over your shoulder and hold on to him by holding his waist or belt. I've got lots of experience picking up my father in-law.......LOL

let him sleep on the sofa and make him a coffee

Alright if your dad is drunk and you want to comfort him, don't let him drink any beer, whine, etc.

Not being cheeky or trying to be funny but I'd give a couple more drinks til he passes out, then cart him to his bed. Probably for the best if he's starting to get very emotional and this could possibly embarrass him when he sobers up! Good luck!

This happened to my friends dad
My friend pulled him out of his chair and walked him out of the door into the hallway then (this is the gospel truth) dragged him up the stairs by one leg to his bed.
I laughed so much i wept
He was a big man but because he was drunk he went without a fight
If you can manage it give it a go
He will have forgotten it in the morning

PS tell him he is great and you are glad his is there for you to talk to when you have problems.

u need to get someone else to help you...this isnt for you to deal with mate.

simply be with him... make sure he doesn't pass out, and when he finally falls asleep, don't let him sleep belly-up [puke may cause him to suffocate].

But mainly.... get out of the internet, be next to him, maybe remind him his mom [or dad] is watching over him from heaven...etc

i kinda agree with the girl that said give him more til he passes out...been there. or sometimes if he eats he might go to bed after...just nothing will help him and he probablly won't even remember what he said ...just try and sit with him on the sofa til he falls asleep??? Geeez-I went through this and it is sooooo annoying i know.Good Luck.

If this behavior is common, just weather it out and ask him to seek professional help when he gets sober.

If this isn't common, try to reason with him. Point out that he is going through depression with the loss of his mother. Let him think about that. Maybe if you let him bring it to a head, he'll realize that he has no right to inflict his pain on you. And he might see that he needs to go to bed.

I've had some people who should be close to me hurt me very badly. They tried to blame me for the fact that they became alcoholic. You have enough problems of your own. Do the best to get your dad to go to bed. When he's sober, tell him that he has no right to bring his problems into your life. He needs to deal with his problems, and you need to get on with your life.

He is having a hard time so his emotions are being escalated by the alcohol. Make him some coffee if he will drink it, if not just have him lie on the couch, cover him up and get him talking about his mom, just be there for him to talk to. Hopefully this is just a one time thing, He is lucky to have you for a son...

Wow, kind of an emotional issue here on Y!A. Start by offering him some water, don't push the issue because (like someone earlier said) he can go from very emotional to violent fairly quickly. Next, go get him a pillow and a blanket so he can feel a little more comfortable. The more comfortable he is, the more likely he will fall asleep. If he is totally smashed, make sure he isn't sleeping on his back, sideways is preferable. He seems to be filling a void in his life/mourning, so you talking to him about it may help longer term.

First if he's smashed now when he passes out roll him on his belly so he doesnt choke on his own vomit. Dont give him coffee because he'l just through it on you. Hide all the medication and bleaches or other things that can be posionous. Just wait by his side for him to pass out and the next morning talk to him about his behaviour. Or you can do what David Hasslehoffs kids did and video him being drunk so he can see what a disgrace he is drunk.

Have him drink a lot of water. It flushes out your system and sobers you up (but know he'll have to pee a lot and of course that's the point). Alcohol is a depressant, so knowing that he already had emotional issues, alcohol was NOT the way to go. Just stay by him and continue to comfort him and try to just talk with him about his problems. Do not force him into anything because drunks normally become stubborn. So, just keep him at close hand and then try the water. Hope I helped!

lift the mofo up and physically carry him to his bed, anyway wheres your mum? but carry him to bed and make sure hes left lying on his cheek.

Ok, by now he has passed out and slept it off. Give him black coffee, toast, and lots of water. You have a choice here, you can continue to let this happen to him and you, or give him an ultimatum, either he goes into rehab, or you report it, and they force him into it. He isn't doing you or him any favors by not stopping or getting help.
You have to use tough love. Just like I did with my kids, you have to do so with parents. By law, its illegal for them to be around kids if they are drunk, stoned, or capable of harming themselves, other people and you while in this state. It places both of you in danger. Being nice, won't cut it hun. You have to tell them you won't put up with it anymore, won't be around them if they continue to do this around you. If they want to do so alone, fine, but you don"t have to be privvy to this. The law is behind you on this one. If they become violent, or get to the point you cannot wake them, call 911. Let them deal with your dad. If he gets like this, its up to him, not you to fix it. I know this sounds harsh, but you as a minor need to be a kid, safe, and should not have to deal with this kind of drunk. Its selfish of him to do this to you. Also, think of getting counselling for you. If he chooses to or not is up to him, but you should get it. Hang in there.

get some help, immediately!!!!!

Burns, Cool Shower and black coffee very strong without sugar.
See you, man!

Most of the answers here are right. Make a sandwich, some coffee, and get him to sleep on the sofa. Turn on the tv so he will be distracted by something. Maybe talk to him( and keep your cool. Both my parents have been drunk at parties , and i can tell you from experiences, that loosing your temper is not the best way to deal with these situations.) Than he will probably go to sleep. And dont worry, after eating and sleeping, your dad will wake up just fine( he may have a headache, but thats about it)

Good luck!

hi my name is mikey
i understand what your going through
you should go though the situation about both his mother and when hes drunk when hes sober with him.Be very charming,try not to upset him.
maybe a party might help him?
thankyou mikey

let him pass out he will....

You shouldn't have to handle this alone. You have two choices. Aether ask any adult or ask for some professional help. What about your mother? Doesn't she want to do something about it?
Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! :D

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