How drunk was i?!

Question: i had this over the course of the at dinner, half a bottle of champagne, 40% lemon vodka, bacardi, this other 17% stuff, lots of beer.

i thought i was pretty bad but this morning i remembered everything, (kinda). here is another serious thing, i felt so sick so i went to puke and all this yellow stuff came out then suddenly this huge black blob came out? what could it have been?? i was so confused. and i have to go # 2 badly.

Answers: i had this over the course of the at dinner, half a bottle of champagne, 40% lemon vodka, bacardi, this other 17% stuff, lots of beer.

i thought i was pretty bad but this morning i remembered everything, (kinda). here is another serious thing, i felt so sick so i went to puke and all this yellow stuff came out then suddenly this huge black blob came out? what could it have been?? i was so confused. and i have to go # 2 badly.

it could have been carmalized / cristalized sugarblock that are in all these drinks, it could have been blood from a stomachwound, it could have been something you ate.

yo what age?

You basically poisoned yourself. The big black blob was probably part of your brain.

silly boy.

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Future Alcoholic

i guess you did drink alot be care b/c you never know wat could happen

how old are you.. i wont judge

you was way to drunk and I will say way under drinking age also

yea thats pretty bad!!!! how old are you?! you better not be close to my age!!!
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You sound like you need help. Or you're bragging. Either way, you sound like a young fool.

how old are u 13????????

a black blob???

ok that must be bad... um probably really drunk I think you should just lay down. and um if you dont want to tell us your age your probably around my age so tell your mom you just feel sick and a black blob came out????

wat age!?

that black blob could have been blood..... get some new hobbies

Uh, it sounds like a blood clot... but I can't believe it would be that if you're as young as you're making yourself out to be.

man you were so drunk you were screaming toast!!! toast!!! and put a stocking on your head then started jumping from chair to chair sing frosty lucky charms there magically delicious

Well it doesn't sound too good. You could have been on the verge of alcohol poisoning...which can kill you. I know a young man in the military it did. Let this be a wake up call for you. Learn from it and don't brush it off...maybe your insides were bleeding from are a fool if you do this to this extent again...that is not "fun" it is dangerous abuse to your body....Hello Your Life.......

How drunk you got and how quickly your body could deal with the alcohol will depend on a number of factors, like your age, weight, previous drinking habit, and so on.

IT sound like you would be well over the driving limit, if that is relevant.

The large black blob you brought back is probably an alien baby. The yellow stuff is called bile.

the lining of your stomach or what all that alcohol swished together made in your stomach.

By the PS. you put at the end of your question I'll bet your over 21. but it sounds like a bit of alcohol poison to me .of course I'm not a dr.

Who knows but this doesn't make you cool tell your parents they will tell you what the black blob was.

WE like to be thought of in a kinder way. The best suggestion I could offer after you have experienced the side effects of drinking Alcohol that this is a good lesson, and you will not do it again. Alcohol is a toxic substance, it will make you ill. As you have now experienced It is also addictive. No mater what age, let this be a lesson and abstain from drinking alcohol again

Black blob could have been due to bleeding ulcers irritated by drinking....

The fact that you're on here bragging about getting drunk and puking tells me you cant be very old at all. Most adults dont think getting drunk and puking is cool enough to brag about to a bunch of total strangers. Put down the alcohol, go play with some dolls.

what the hell dude your F ed up u homo.. lol

jk anyways that is a burned up intestine in yo body u barfed up an burnt intestine

that's alcohol poisoning your body was getting rid of all the toxins in your system drink lots of water and eat bread or something to help your body absorb whats left

Ever drank a quart of pickle juice? Now, that will kill you!

You are 20. c'mon........! only in US drinking age is 21.

about that big black ball? make sure ur nuts are in place..! lol.

And also....u do think u remember everything but the actuality is...U don't. You basically was PHUCKed up.

Sounds like a good night... and that's the important bit! I'm 16 and I do that almost every weekend! Well that's an overstatement but whatever. How old are you?

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