Blacking out when drunk?!

Question: When I drink I usually always end up not remembering a thing, even though I'm walking/talking/etc all as I would usually. I start horrible fights with my husband while I'm in this state of mind and don't remember any of it the next day. I want to be able to drink without acting like a fool, does anyone else have any experience with this?

Answers: When I drink I usually always end up not remembering a thing, even though I'm walking/talking/etc all as I would usually. I start horrible fights with my husband while I'm in this state of mind and don't remember any of it the next day. I want to be able to drink without acting like a fool, does anyone else have any experience with this?

Yes... ohhhh have I been there! It's a sign of alcoholism. Your body becomes used to your alcohol intake. Even if your not a frequent drinker! Women are more vulnerable to blackouts. I didn't realize I had an alcohol problem, until a recent situation occurred. It woke me up. I am glad i'm not another statistic and/or dead.. Now I drink beer, wine and watered down drinks, instead of, real strong drinks. Try to moderate yourself. If you can't, stop drinking.

no,sry i dont.maybe if u cut down on drinking,u will remember what happened and stop fighting with your husband.if u stop drinking,it will be a beggining 2 a new and happy life!

Don't drink alcohol until you can't ... just don't drink that much.
Jesus, this isn't hard to figure out. If you have trouble with easing up, then you may need a support group.

Or you could just go with a slow and steady IV of straight moonshine.

You dont remember anything? UMM and where do you get drunk at?

No. It means you should lighten up on your alcohol consumption.


You know this is a sign of alcoholism...maybe you either need to stop drinking period or limit to one or two small-medium drinks.

and if I were your hubby I'd knock the crap outta you for being an idiot...if you know you are having issues...then limit the booze...common sense dear.

One of these days you will take it too far and he will either give up and leave or you could end up killing yourself.

I hate to be a wet blanket but if you're blacking out you need to quit, I used to be the same way and now I am in recovery. You never know what messed up things you might do to others or yourself.

I relate to you on this. The key is to not drink so much...... thats when I get so outta my mind and cannot remember the next day. Sometimes its funny and othertimes its scarry.

What do you usually drink? If you're drinking hard liquor, maybe you should try wine or beer, they're easier to drink slowly. My advice is try to limit yourself. Don't drink too fast...slow and steady.

If youre blacking out you havent learned when to say when. Either learn to limit yourself by drinking more slowly or else quit altogether.

When that happens it is an indicator that you should stop drinking. You don't have to stop totally but just slack up. Don't drink to get drunk but to have a nice time. I have to tell you, nothing is worse than a drunk woman, I'm not sexist or anything, it's just not pretty at all. Women have sharper tongues and cut to the bone. So be aware of this. Good Luck to you. Happy 08.

Blacking out while drinking, especially "usually always" is something I experienced 19 years ago when I was at the bottom of the barrell so to speak. When you wake up the next day not knowing where you were or what you were doing, when you start horrible fights with your husband and act like a fool, its time to think about stopping drinking altogether. When this began to happen to me it was terrifying, but it was also a wake-up call. Unfortunately I had to wake up after having taken out part of a guard rail and totalling a perfectly good automobile. You may be, as I found out, an alcoholic. Its a cinch that you can't handle your "likker" - Somewhere in your life you have crossed the line between social drinking and drinking to get drunk. So IN MY EXPERIENCE, and I do not point the finger, I am a recovering alcoholic and there is no way I can drink without acting a fool. You might want to speak to a medical doctor, or a counselor of some kind, or you might want to visit an AA meeting and just listen. If it sounds familiar to you at all, you should listen some more.

Ask yourself a few questions - do you need a drink to relax? Do you choose where you eat out based on whether or not they serve alcohol? Do you drink if you feel happy, depressed, because its Tuesday?

OMG yes! It only ever happened once from just drinking. I like to think of it as the lights are off but someone is home lol. I have never started a horrible fight or anything, I just lost my virginity while blacked out. I remember some things from it. It was like waking up from being asleep and not knowing where I was or what was going on, and then I would black out again. I think that it sucks when you black out cause you can’t remember all the fun. lol. But I only ever blacked out once that that was the second time I had ever drank and it was the time that I had the most to drink. Sorry I don’t know what to say to help you not black, just don’t drink as much.

The simple answer to this...and the only answer quite frankly....DRINK LESS at one time.

You have a serious problem, and need to stop drinking immediately.

Try drinking until your neck and shoulder muscles are relaxed. That's a really good feeling. Slow down or stop when you get to the point your your nose starts to feel numb.

either try changing your drink, or give it up drink does horrible things to your body and marriage

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