Is there such a thing as an alcohol drink mixed with marijuana?!


Is there such a thing as an alcohol drink mixed with marijuana?

So I've heard 2 people talking about some drink then I found a site that mentioned a drink but nothing else. So what's the truth and do you feel the effect of the marijuana or just the alcohol?

THC is soluable in alcohol. If you soak some kind bud in any type of liquor, for say a month, then just strain the booze and use as usual, you will also be absorbing THC disolved by the alcohol. Yes, you will feel the effect of both.

As always, when ingesting cannabinoids orally, onset time can be up to an hour. So be careful and don't consume too much. You may just black out and not remember what happened or, just get totally sweaty and paranoid. Go slow until you figure out how "strong" you made it and you should have a lovely time.

I find it particularly nice with Grand Marnier or other flavoured liquor such as a schnappes or cherry brandy.

I've heard some types of absinthe are made with alcohol and marijuana. I don't know the validity of this info. though.

u REALLY wanna get f'ed up, dontcha? lol

yes there is, you brew up pot with milk, usually drink by itself but can mix with alcohol, my experience, very potent!

I would think that you would feel mainly the effect of the alchol because you have to eat alot of weed to feel high from ingestion, why waist the weed by putting it in alchol, smoke the weed and have yourself a mixed drink while your doing it, you'll feel more intoxicated that way!

Yuk, doesn't sound very good! I would not believe it, but who knows.....

I don't know, but It sounds gross. Separately would be ok If thats what your Into, together though sounds like a recipie to make you sick.

I've had a drink called "Liquid Marijuana", but it was just the name of the drink. No illegal drugs in this one. Not sure what alcohol was in it, but it was fruity and was a medium to light green color.

Alcohol and grass would do it fine but if you wanna' take marijuana to the next level, spray some angel dust over it and then smoke it, you can also do that while drinking. But to be honest with you drugs are bad and illegal and if you love yourselve you should do that; BAD BOY! (last comment added for legal reasons)

our guys makeing some marihjuwana drink with cofe. but its a our secret drink. its wonna makeing like this. 1st u have to collect marijuwana beeds. then u have to crush it like a powder. after that fried it little bit. then u make a cofe. after that mix that marijuwana powder to cofe. then drink. u can b woooooooooow in whole day man

I've heard of alot of things being mixed together, i would guess you would have to boil the weed like you would tea drink that and see what happens. if its all good then get you a bottle of your favorite booze and a shot glass. it don't have to be mixed to get it in your system. its always wise to eat something before you consume alcohol, so you drink the weed tea get the munchies eat something and have you a drink.

there is a new vodka that is infused with marijuana but you can't buy it in the states. also it isn't infused with bud but seeds.You could make your own but i would imagine it would taste like bong water. good luck!

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