Did i have alcohol poisoning or was i just really drunk??!

Question: last night i had about 10 shots of 100 proof rum and after 12 i didnt remember anything that happened. my friends told me i was passed out on the bathroom floor, throwing everywhere, and telling everyone to f*** off. i feel terrible right now so i just wanted to know.

Answers: last night i had about 10 shots of 100 proof rum and after 12 i didnt remember anything that happened. my friends told me i was passed out on the bathroom floor, throwing everywhere, and telling everyone to f*** off. i feel terrible right now so i just wanted to know.

To all the posters who said that if you'd had alcohol poisoning you'd be dead: LEARN YOUR FACTS. Having alcohol poisoning does not mean you died - it is potentially fatal, though! Don't be misinformed and think that somebody showing signs of alcohol poisoning is just "really drunk" because their lives could be at stake, and fatal consequences can be prevented by awareness.

You, however, were probably just blacked out. For future drinking, make sure your friends know the signs of alcohol poisoning because somebody could end up dead if nobody recognizes when a night of drinking and partying gets serious. Try to limit your drinking as well - even if you made it through the night with only a nasty hangover to deal with, that level of alcohol consumption will lead to alcohol poisoning eventually, and serious liver damage as well.

Check out this website for the signs of alcohol poisoning:
and remember that if you're ever unsure, it's better to be safe than sorry. And ALWAYS designate a driver! Since you are too young to drive, you need to make sure you have an older person that you can trust to take care of you if you find yourself in a situation like that.

Also, I know you feel like you might be mature enough to handle drinking and partying, but you're only 13 years old. Simply put, 13 is very young to be drinking, especially so heavily. Your body is still developing and you could do some serious damage. You need to slow down and stay focused, because you're going to mess up a lot of things if you're drinking that much regularly. At 13 you shouldn't feel pressured into drinking so much, and if the people you're with are encouraging you to drink that amount, you need to find a new group of friends immediately. If you ever are stuck somewhere and there's a lot of drinking, and there's no way for you to get home, or you feel like you're being pressured, CALL YOUR PARENTS! A couple days of discomfort is better than a lifetime of regret.


rly drunk, in local terms "hara" ie 5hit lol,

You blacked out. You'll be fine.

you were wasted hun.


Just really drunk. If you were poisoned, believe me you would know it. I am impressed though by a girl who can drink that much.

u were really really really DRUNK u shouldnt drink its BAD BAD BAD k ... SO DONT DRINK

you were just drunk! If you had alcohol poisoning you would be in the hospital right now.

if you had alcohol poisoning , you wouldent be posting a ? about it, you would be dead,

just drunk


if you had alcohol poisning, your liver would have failed by now, and you'd be dead.

so you were obviously just drunk

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

Passed out
Difficult to awaken
Slow, shallow breathing

it really just sounds like you were drunk as hell tho.
ive been there many a time lol

you might of had alcohol poisoning...lol I've been there. Except what happened with me was I had multiple kinds of drinks and eventually passed out on the BEACH! And could not get up, and threw up EVERYTHING in my body and then started throwing up blood. I woke up the next morning wondering how I had gotten there

I don't know but did you know that throwing up is the body's attempt to keep you from dying (for lack of a better term). My son had to take this alocohol awareness test when he enrolled for college and that was one of the facts in that quiz. You body senses the "poison" just like food poisoning makes you ralph. So, you should just be more carefull and not drink so much.

yo uwerer proabably really drunk but there is always a chance it may have been a date rape drug slipped in somewhere. my advice would be to research some of the most common date rape drugs and see if any prefectly fit how you felt and how your friends described your behavior.

hope your feeling better~good luck!

sounds like you really need to reel it in and not over do it next time. i think you were just really drunk. consider yourself lucky you didn't pass out on your back when you started throwing up or you could have drowned on your own vomit. sounds like you blacked out.

it's call TRUE syrup that just true side of you coming out

Obviously you are drunk, since if you have alcohol poisoning you won't be alive right now.
I suggest that you drink plenty of water since you are going to be dehydrated and, if you are dehydrated you will feel like crap and will be vomitting if you tried to eat or drink anything else than water.
So, drink plenty of water.


melenie, I am sorry to say, been there done that ! Except my first episode was whiskey ! My last Tequila, I"m done !!! Just stinking drunk !

Your body was trying to prevent the poisoning by throwing up. Don't drink so much.

See how stupid it is? It makes you popular and smell pretty.

Who cares if you call it alcohol poisoning or being too drunk, you were puking on the floor and cursing at your friends and you feel like cr@p.

You were most likely drunk. You were still able to tell people to f**k off. Which is impressive I might add. But if you had alcohol poisoning, you'd probably be in the hospital right now getting your stomach pumped. You probably want to pick up some vitamins and drink lots of water to get over that awful feeling.

Alcohol poisoning and "just being really drunk" are the same thing, really. i.e being so drunk that you are in danger of something really bad happening (eg passing out and choking on your own vomit) That is just what happens when you drink a lot more than you can handle.

Try not to do it again. Its nice to get a bit drunk occasionally, and many people (myself included) have a few too many on New Years Eve. But what you've described isn't pleasant for anyone. Passing out due to alcohol is dangerous especially if you've been vomiting. People do die from choking on their vomit.

Maybe you should apologise to the people you've offended. That may help you to feel better about it. You might want to try drinking wine or beer in future instead of spirits, as its harder to drink yourself into a stupour without realising how much you've drunk.

You can take some comfort in knowing that there'll be many people feeling bad about what they did yesterday. Just try to look after yourself in future.

Take care,

OMG your SO cool !!!

I wish I could of found a bottle of 100 proof rum when i was 13 , w/o my parents knowing you are a sneaky child, god now i bet your popular EVERYONE wants to be your friend.

Really, I am impressed. I want to be your friend, will you be my friend we can be popular together and get all the pre-pubescent boys to want to go out with us. We can sit in the lunchroom together and wear matching outfits , that way everyone knows we are friends.

Grow up and get off answers.

Alcohol Poisoning isn't something you could of hid from your parents because you would of been so sick you would of begged them to take you to a doctor, that is only if you were conscious. The second you passed out your dumb little buddies would of ditched your stupid *** and told your parents. You threw up all over your bathroom, must of stunk hope you have your own. Feeling terrible ? right... must of watched MTV and found out what a HANG-OVER was.

? Jordan

if you woke up with you panties down by your ankles you were probably sober

omg! your 13 hun! you shouldn't be drinking at 13! or at all you were drunk and I am sorry for you....Don't Drink your luck your still alive..anything could have happened to you while you were out...just stupid moves can result to big things that you will later or soon regret in life....plz don't drink it is unnecessary and dumb

You absolutely, positively did have alcohol poisoning and are lucky to be alive.
10 drinks (yes, 10 shots is the same as 10 drinks) is too many for a 200 pound man to drink in one evening, let alone a 13 year-old girl. 10 shots is equivalent to 10 12-ounce beers, or 10 5-ounce glasses of wine.
Alcohol poisoning kills brain cells. If you keep at it, you will have Wernike-Korsakov dementia by the time you're 20.

You were drunk, hahahahhaha u went emotional there...
Drunk bastard lol jk

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