Can anyone explain to me HOW alcohol could possibly have positive effects on ur body?!

Question: Question Details:

that source, along with others, states that alcohol has positive effects on many different parts of your body.
i just dont believe this.
why? because how could something that alters your brain chemistry be good for you in any way?

Answers: Question Details:

that source, along with others, states that alcohol has positive effects on many different parts of your body.
i just dont believe this.
why? because how could something that alters your brain chemistry be good for you in any way?

If you drink a glass of red wine, or a glass of beer, it's been shown to have a good effect on your heart. But that's only if you stop at the one glass.

Alcohol also helps you relax, and may help you get to sleep at night. Again, it's if you stop at the one, maybe 2 glasses of it. More than that.... you're just asking for trouble, physically.

The real trouble comes in when people just don't know their limits, nor do they understand "drinking in moderation". Most things "in moderation" are good for you... even the "bad" foods. If you ingest too much of anything, you'll end up fat, ugly and drunk.

Does that help?

Positive aspects

Reducing coronary heart diseases: the wine is altering the blood lipid levels. It lowers the total cholesterol count, and raises the high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. This is supported by epidemiological studies: the polyphenols may be involved in this cardioprotective effect because of their antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties, resulting in decreased generation of oxidized lipids. The tested red wine extracts (cabernet-sauvignon grape variety) elicited enhanced NO generation, cyclic GMP accumulation and endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat aortic rings. Both anthocyanins and oligomeric condensed tannins appeared to be involved. Among the anthocyanins, delphinidin, but not malvidin or cyanidin, produced endothelial NO-dependent vasorelaxation (aka: it smooths the muscles of the blood vessels), indicating that only some specific structures are able to cause endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, independently of their antioxidant properties. To achieve this effect, extracellular Ca2+ (=calcium ion) is needed for activation (of endothelial NO synthase activation). Summarizing: their findings suggest that one of the mechanisms of the cardioprotective effects of red wine and other plants containing polyphenols may be the increase in endothelial NO production induced by oligomeric condensed tannins and anthocyanins.

Red wine maintains the immune system: According to a study published by the University of Florida, red wine does not suppress the immune system like other alcoholic beverages. A two month study on mice has been performed to examine what immune system reactions red wine caused on mammals. The team examined mice of various drinking levels - non-drinkers, red wine drinkers, and heavy alcohol drinkers. They found that those who drank the red wine had a normal level of immunity, the same as that of the non-drinking mice. (The level of red wine consumption for the mice would equal that of a human drinking two or three glasses a night. But at the moment of writing (2001) they don't have a clue which compounds in red wine is causing this, but I'd go for the tannins.

Polyphenols in wine: They are excellent antioxidants. In short: they lower total cholesterol and blood pressure, lessen risks of cancer, stimulate the immune system, and have anti-bacterial properties. See the above mentioned aspects for more detail.

Resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene): is a naturally occurring antioxidant too that decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and helps blood vessels remain open and flexible. It is said that it inhibits the enzymes that can stimulate cancer-cell growth and suppress immune response. A series of laboratory experiments suggests the proof of this statement. However, this was only tested on animals. In another set of animal tests, resveratrol was shown to inhibit both the acute and chronic phases of inflammation (yet again the immune system). Wine is the primary dietary source of resveratrol, and red wine contains much greater amounts of resveratrol than does white wine, since resveratrol is concentrated in the grape skin and the manufacturing process of red wine includes prolonged contact with grape skins. Resveratrol has been used in connection with atherosclerosis too (a reduced risk of course).
Resveratrol is a phytoestrogen (= similar to estrogen, but from plant origin, and is known to inhibit tumors in the breast and uterus), but it differs from other phytoestrogens in that it acts as an estrogen agonist and stimulates ERE-driven reporter gene activity in CHO-K1 cells (I couldn't get access to ERE gene information, nor the exact description of CHO-K1 cells, but the context of the abstract implies increased DNA transcription activity of specific ERE-gene sequences in genetically modified(?) cells in rat uteri).
A brief calculation: a glass of red wine provides approximately 640 mcg of resveratrol, while a handful of peanuts provides about 73 mcg. The amount used in animals to prevent cancer, however, would exceed 500 mg per human adult. This equals about 2.5 bottles of wine... So there must be at least one other component, or a mixture, that contributes to the decrease in occurrence of cancer and high blood pressure prevention.

Flavonoids: Red grapes contain flavonoids, also powerful antioxidants that work as cancer preventives.

Anti-bacterial activity: In a study of 1800 people, scientists tested for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcer infections. Compared to non-drinkers, those who had one glass of wine a day had 7% fewer of these bacteria. Those who drink two glasses a day had 18%, and those who drank 3 or more glasses had 1/3 fewer bacteria. On the conto of tannins maybe?

Anti-stress: wine does have a calming influence (surprise, surprise). The fact that a dinner is accompanied by a drink which helps the body relax and unwind can help the mental transition between work and relaxation. Also, people fighting other illnesses can combat them better when calm and focused.

I believe when you hear this---they are not referring to people who get drunk or go out on a full bindge.

One glass of red wine has been reported to help lower blood pressure and has anti-oxidants that can help fight off infection.

So, prozac is automatically bad for you?

You'll notice that the studies saying alcohol have positive effects also state that the effects are negated when alcohol is consumed in excess. One glass of wine is not going to destroy your brain, but the antioxidants within it can help your heart.

It depends on your body chemistry. Some people cant stop when they drink and that destroys any positive effect that alcohol might have . And this includes Wine. If you drink a bottle of wine a day as opposed to a glass a day you are not getting any health benefit.

In under-developped countries where alkoholism is predominant -the best effects are the life expectancy mostly for men , not more than 55/60 y.o which brings a very easy answer to retirement problems - alkoholism makes producers rich and prevents the extension of seniors -

Great isn't ?

none. there are none. it is bad for you no matter what it is and how little you drink.

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