Are christians allowed to drink alcohol?!

Question: This question is asked by many. Christians and drinking... there are SO many view points on this issue. It's not one that can be answered quickly either.
Depending on the religion view points it's either allowed, not allowed, frowned upon or accepted.
Southern Baptist (deep rooted) frown upon drinking as a whole. Some Baptist, not all, are ok with drinking as long as it's done in moderation and you don't get drunk.
Other religions (Methodist, Presbyterian etc) see no problem with drinking as long as it is done in moderation.
I can not speak for Catholic view points because I honestly don't know their view point.
Many Christians believe that drinking is acceptable because in Bible times wine was served. We must remember though that the wine served in Bible times was NOT at all like the fermented wine of today. The mindbenders as my grandmother calls the fermentation. stead of rambling on let me close in saying: drinking is something that each and every person, no matter your religion, must decide your own view point on. If you can drink and stay in control then I personally see no problem. It's when a person gets drunk and does the "out of norm action" that causes the problems and the loss of bodily control---hence Drunk Driving accidents.
Hope this helps. Sorry to ramble.'s a deep discussion.
Best of luck in getting your answer you are seeking.

Answers: This question is asked by many. Christians and drinking... there are SO many view points on this issue. It's not one that can be answered quickly either.
Depending on the religion view points it's either allowed, not allowed, frowned upon or accepted.
Southern Baptist (deep rooted) frown upon drinking as a whole. Some Baptist, not all, are ok with drinking as long as it's done in moderation and you don't get drunk.
Other religions (Methodist, Presbyterian etc) see no problem with drinking as long as it is done in moderation.
I can not speak for Catholic view points because I honestly don't know their view point.
Many Christians believe that drinking is acceptable because in Bible times wine was served. We must remember though that the wine served in Bible times was NOT at all like the fermented wine of today. The mindbenders as my grandmother calls the fermentation. stead of rambling on let me close in saying: drinking is something that each and every person, no matter your religion, must decide your own view point on. If you can drink and stay in control then I personally see no problem. It's when a person gets drunk and does the "out of norm action" that causes the problems and the loss of bodily control---hence Drunk Driving accidents.
Hope this helps. Sorry to ramble.'s a deep discussion.
Best of luck in getting your answer you are seeking.

Most of them. Only a few denominations prohibit alcohol consumption.

Yes, in fact some monks actually brew beer. There are some conservative protestant groups who frown upon it.

yes some try but some have restriction coz of the believes.

Yes, It's even part of the mass

Depends on the Christian. I am non-denominational and yes, I drink in moderation. Do I go to clubs and get wild? no...

Catholics thoroughly believe in drinking.

On the other hand, pentecosts absolutely do not believe in drinking. Of course, they don't believe in wearing make-up, allowing the women to wear jeans or cut their hair.

Some people just don't believe drinking is good regardless of the fact that their religion doesn't dictate one way or the other.

of course in moderation of course, being balanced is good

Jesus was at a party where they ran out of wine so he turned water into booze. what do you think?

And may I point out, some monks also produce 'Buckfast' (a lovely tonic popular in Scotland)

Of course. What do you think the communion wine is? Black currant juice ?

Yes very! In the last supper and the sermon on the mount, Chrrist gave all wine.

It depends on the religion Mormons will not drink


why not?

Pentecostals don't believe in drinking. They believe that Jesus did give wine at the last supper but it was none alcoholic wine! =)

have you ever seen a sober priest?

It certainly depends on the denomination. Some do allow in moderation of course and others just forbids the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, or even cola because of its possible adverse effects that can harm ones body.

That's why I drink beer....and lots of it! Is it happy hour now? Well, it's five o'clock somewhere! Cheers!

just little fine for you!
but i don`t like drinking alcohol !

Sure they are just don't over do it and do something immoral while under the influence. Too much of anything is wrong.

1Ti 5:23 Drink water no longer, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake, and for your frequent infirmities.

Pro 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes to lust for strong drink;
Pro 31:5 lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
Pro 31:6 Give strong drink to him who is ready to perish, and wine to those who are of heavy hearts.
Pro 31:7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

I'm a Christian kicking back with a Corona right now, just don't do it to excess.

There are some denominations that are anti-drinking but most have no problem with drinking in moderation.

Sure, Christians can and do drink....some too much.

Why the HELL not?

allowed or not wasn't the problem. you should think about the risk of that...

sorry, i hate alcoholic drinks

o yes praise be the lord

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