Sick of binge drinking???!

Question: is anyone else out there just fed up with it. im 28, and although in pretty good shape and fit i drink loads. i also smoke when i drink, ive been doin it since i was 14. i go to the gym loads and am pretty good lookin but recently im beginnin to think thers got to be more to life than just gttin drunk every weekend. or go on holidays and get pissed every night?? it aint good for ur health - mental and physical. think i need a nice girl to calm me down!!!!

Answers: is anyone else out there just fed up with it. im 28, and although in pretty good shape and fit i drink loads. i also smoke when i drink, ive been doin it since i was 14. i go to the gym loads and am pretty good lookin but recently im beginnin to think thers got to be more to life than just gttin drunk every weekend. or go on holidays and get pissed every night?? it aint good for ur health - mental and physical. think i need a nice girl to calm me down!!!!

well done my friend - you have reached a similar conclusion to what I did last year. it appears hat when we reach our mid 20's we become discontent with the old routing & are searching for somethin more meaningful - which indeed may be a serious relationship.

did you see the documentary on binge drinking on itv last night? it was frightening. in 3 weeks of binge drinking, the girl had 349 units of alcohol & 86% of her liver wasn't functioning normally.

I stopped getting pissed & going clubbing at the weekend - started hitting the gym big time, eat healthier, used the money that I saved by not going out to pubs so much to buy a flash car! I met a nice boy & alternative friends & although I still go clubbing occassionally it's not in a heavy way & I'm a total 2 can dan now.

You'll meet a very nice girl if you aren't getting hammered every weekend - it puts us off :)

Its only binge drinking if you stop!!!!!

no you dont need a nice girl to calm you down having a relationship before you have sorted these issues out with your self would be just plain dumb
you dont want to put the onus on a nice girl to keep you in check you just need will power good luck xx

sounds to me like you are finally growing up...and yes trust me there is much more to life...not to mention it is very unhealthy to drink out of moderation and especially to binge...also to drink at that level usually ends at a dead end road and it is so easy to make bad choices and take risk while under the influence of mind alterning drugs such as alcohol...i have been there and done it and i just finally had enough and i am not going to say it is easy giving up that lifestyle but i know that i don't wake up with regrets, guilt or shame and that is worth all of is a journey and i prefer to remember what i did the night before instead of being plastered....find a new interest and find someone you really trust you can talk with when you are tempted to binge....good for you and what a great way to begin the new year... :)

You need something different in your life that you enjoy as much as drinking! A good adrenalin sport. Be a devil and try something you've never done before! As for a nice girl.... I thought naughty girls were more fun?!

start thinking about all the things u want to do in life and all the things u want to have then work ur @ss off at getting them, and only go drinking everynow and then u will be alot Happier!

i wish my guy would wanna settle down and lay off doin that but he hasnt growed up yet so i guess i'll just give up and move on

Hmmm I agree that I might get fed up with it too, but since I drink constantly moderately, I don't allow myself to get to the point where anyone could rightly suggest I need to stop. I never drink enough to make me forget the nights events, because whats the point in paying for temporary alzeimers, if you're going to drink at least enjoy the freedom of dignity and sophistication it brings. Smoking is probably doing you more damage than alcohol anyway. Mind you I'm a few years younger than you, perhaps when I reach your age, I'll see what you mean, but for now, I don't suffer from alcoholicism, I enjoy every minute of it ;D.

I was at your stage at 30, binge drinking was doing me more harm than good in lots of ways so I gave it up. This might not be the case for you but why not try doing some different activities on friday or saturday nites. Even if you did get a girl would you be doing the same thing? Have a little think :o)

yeah it's bad but it;s still fun to do anyway.

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