Is it just me or does alcohol taste like CRAP!!!?!

Question: I've had a few drinks and they've all been just awful. Good thing I don't have any desire to be an alcoholic like many people my age (21).

Answers: I've had a few drinks and they've all been just awful. Good thing I don't have any desire to be an alcoholic like many people my age (21).

it taste hella nasty

It's just you

girl!! just get you a sweet drink like Long Island Ice Tea or if you like coffee they have drinks like that

it's just you :)

its 2 nasty

i think most of it tastes awful. not pleasant, certainly not worth the calories.

but i like Sangria.

Just you.

ALOT of people do not like the taste of alchohol. There are drinks where you cant taste much of the achohol but they are generally drinks that take you longer to get drunk. Its said "People dont drink for the taste, they drink to get drunk."

it's just you :D

pick the right one and you'll think different .

you are young huckabee.

I feel the same. I cant drink alcohol it taste so horrible to me.

hahahah most girls just drink wine coolers and sweet tasting drinks thats why they get the most messed up at partys.

leave the booze and beer to the guys

I don't like it either. The only drink I have on occasion is a rum and coke and Captain Morgan Spiced Rum is best!
Other than that I don't like the taste of any others.

Its a poison that's why!

i personally have never tasted crap so I can't make that correlation. I do know however that if it does taste like crap then I will have to give crap a try.

I'm the same way. I've tried many but I just don't enjoy the taste. And even if you do get something "fruity" to try to overpower the taste of alcohol (which it doesn't), then what's the point in getting an alocoholic beverage? Just get a smoothie. Or maybe you want to drink it just for the effect like many other people out there. In that case, just plug your nose and chug it. ;)

Its a preferred taste! Some people like it others dont! Its your decision. Find a drink you like and drink that til you buzz then anything you drink will taste the same! I am an expert! But I am just a weekend alcoholic for now! (21)

It's not just you, I don't like the taste of alcohol either. I think that there is a lot of people who feel this way but don't want to admit it because they think other people will think they are sissy or something. And, with the way the law is coming down on drinking and driving, it is much smarter not to drink. You can still go out and be with your friends, just be their designated driver. You could turn out to be the most popular person in your crowd. Think of the money, not to mention the brain cells, you will save over your life time.
Don't let other people's opinions make you do something that you don't feel good about doing.


It's you. You taste like crap.

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