What are your general drinking habits, are you a light drinker! or a binge drinker!?!

Question: Normally I am very careful about what I drink, for example on a night out I will pace myself and be standing at the end of the night if not a little bit merry!

Then every now and then i will have a massive binge and always end up doing something completey embarrasing and avoiding going out for a few weeks!

Then I just have the odd glass of wine at home, and with dinner etc.

what about you!

Answers: Normally I am very careful about what I drink, for example on a night out I will pace myself and be standing at the end of the night if not a little bit merry!

Then every now and then i will have a massive binge and always end up doing something completey embarrasing and avoiding going out for a few weeks!

Then I just have the odd glass of wine at home, and with dinner etc.

what about you!

I personally don't drink to get drunk. I drink for the pleasure of the taste. For example: If I choose a beer, I would rather drink one good quality beer over two bad quality beers. As for the wine, my policy is the same. I would rather pay a few dollars more for a good bottle of wine than just buy any wine and be disappointed. Moreover, a good wine with a good meal, can completely change your experience of eating. Eating and drinking should just be a pleasure. Take the time to savor the flavors.

Very light drinker - probably average one bottle of wine a month so that's about one glass a week average. Drank more over Christmas but usually steer pretty well clear of the stuff.

pretty much the same as you.

Very light social drinker. Two maybe three times a year, if even that. When I drink, I only drink the lightweight stuff...Bahama Mama's...Long Island iced Teas...and even that makes me very sleepy.

i'm a light drinker. don't get drunk as i hate it. a glass of good wine with a meal, and maybe a brandy in the evening on a cold winters night.

I don't drink at all.Drinking just doesn't appeal to me.

i go mental every weekend im 18 i get smashed and i love it, all my freinds do it as well and i know its no good 4 me i can tell you that from the morning after but its not like im gonna be doing it forever

I can probably be classed as a binge drinker. I dont drink at home but always end up tiddly when I go out, but I must admit I dont end up totally drunk.

I'm italian , and i drink a lot of beer..... in general i drink henekein or Nastro azzurro....

but i love also cooktails...! my favorite is the capiroska ^_^

u sound just like me ! ! ! tho i reckon i'd definitely be well over the recommended 14`units per week. . . .. . it all adds up so easily ! ! !

at this stage of my life, I am now a light drinker. very light drinker. Be careful out there. If you are going to over do it, do it at home. happy new year.

Binge Drinker....this means you cram a lot of drinking into a short space of time, such ,as the weekend as opposed to drinking during the week moderately

Never binge drink, don't like being out of control and I suffer really bad headaches if I overdo things so tend to be a light drinker. Love a glass of red wine with my evening meal or when dining out and anyway, it is good for you. If at a party I will alternate alcohol with water to keep the dreaded hangover at bay.

Well, I don't think I'm a binge drinker because I can only have about 3 drinks before I've fallen asleep on the floor.

I don't drink during the week, but I like to have a few on Friday and Saturday night. I drink Asti because I'm classy (lol)...and Tequila Sunrises at my favourite restaurant!

I rarely drink as it is. If I drink, it's usually just 1 or 2. I drink far less than I did when I was in college but I still was not someone who drank a lot. I got banned from being the designated driver. I like being in control of myself. I don't like having a hangover the next day. There are so many calories in alcoholic drinks. It hardly seems worth it. I'm health conscious and enjoy working out.

I have a glass or two of wine nearly every day. But, I haven't been drunk in years.

Very much a binge drinker! But I dont have a laugh with those around me and dont need people to look after me or get in fights or anything! But I do occasionally stay in and just have a glass of wine.

don't really drink unless I'm out or at someone's house & only at weekends. i go to the gym on saturday & sunday mornings so I try to keep myself reasonably sober! 2 or 3 glasses of wine usually make me quite tipsy!!

probbly class myself as a binge drinker,i might not have a drink for 2 or 3 weeks then go out and drink to excess and get in a terrible state but its great at the time :)

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