Why do u think the drinking age shouldnt be lowered to 18?!

Question: doing a homework assignment..need opinions and help! thanks :)

Answers: doing a homework assignment..need opinions and help! thanks :)

In North Atlanta we have one, if not the highest, death rates of teens driving and involved in accidents. Responsibilities of a few are ignored effecting most good and caring teens.

I was the same way and had my accidents and when you turn 16 and you are on your own behind a car you, like some, want to go fast. Your abilities as a driver just are not "sharp" enough to avoid many accidents and creating danger for others.

Allow 18 years old to drink alcohol and deaths, prolonged injuries, sadness for families will result. You just are not responsible enough for this activity. Again, I was there once and I know what goes on because I got the alcohol and the marijuana, etc. although it was illegal. With the law in place it did prevent me from getting alcohol a lot of times, probably saving my life.

Feel free to use my opinion, and that is all it is, my feelings on the subject.

you're kidding right?

More people would get drunk. So that is bad. More conflict.
People would drink more in college. We already spent the time to put it at 21 because of the problems so why change it back?

People at the age of 18 do not realize how fragile life is...how quickly it can end...they may not think it through properly when considering getting behind the wheel of a car while drunk...


I don't think it should be lowered to 18.
Most 21 year olds are to immature to handle the responsibility of drinking alcohol, ALL 18 year olds are to immature when it comes to drinking alcohol. There is no need for a high school aged kid, who's only been able to legally drive for about 2 years to drink and get behind the wheel.

Binge drinking is a major problem in the US and I don't think lowering the legal age will help that situation. However, MAYBE a lower drinking age would give adults a better chance to instill drinking habits that are mature and safer. Of course, any good parent should be able to do this without dropping the age limit by simply having good communication with their child.

ok two opinions from me

1. the law permits 18 year olds to drive two ton killing machines( cars), vote for the most powerful man on earth(president), be a major on a checking account, go to strip clubs, but they still dont let us drink?

2. even at 18 the brain is still developing, so it could harm people's brain greatly until age 20.

but in general, i think it could work, if the driving age was raised to 21.

i definitly dont think it should

One look at the situation here in the UK is all you need. In the UK 18 is the legal drinking age. We also find that many teenagers younger than this regularly drink alcohol, and are served by pubs and shop keepers.

Here is one recent article on a similar subject - if you search you should find many, many more


There's no real problem with the drinking age being 18. It was at 18 when I was 18, then it was raised. I don't seem to recall constant binge drinking or mass drunken driving accidents.

When the US had a draft for men, the age was 18, yet at the time they were not old enough to drink. Old enough to die for their country, but not old enough for a beer.

If the drinking age is lowered, then the authorities with not be able to write as many minor in possession tickets or make as many arrests.

Bottom line is...you have to know your limits and act like an adult to be treated as one.

Okay, being frank, do you people really believe that "legal drinking age" means anything, because no1 really follows it, all teenagers get drunk far bellow the age of 18, personally, I don't really know anybody who hasn't done underage drinking (not that I condone it), I think before worrying about if it should be 18 or you should find a way to make it work.

When I was 18, I really thought the same as you.

I'm now 21, and I can understand now why 18 year olds shouldn't be able to legally drink. You need to be mature enough to know your limits. At 18 your drinking just to get completely smashed, which leads to poor judgement (drinking and driving). At 21, you drink to have a good time, don't get me wrong, but your maturity level is higher and you are more responsible with your actions.

Don't get me wrong, I drank way before 21, and I know that others do. But it's good the law is 21, because it's harder for those under the legal age to get their hands on it.

Honestly I think it should be 18, I understand why it is 21 but I have seen a lot of sides to this idea. First off if the age was lowered then maybe teens and kids in college wouldn't drink so much because it wouldn't be illegal , it wouldnt be a big deal. I went to college and a lot of kids drank and drank to excess no matter what there age was. However I also lived in Ireland for 6 months when i was 20 where the drinking age is 18, I drank but not to excess and neither did the Irish people around me because they had been exposed to it, drinking to them was part of the culture and not a big deal. Actually most of the people that i say that were way too drunk were Americans on vacation or Americans over there for a semester. However to help you why i dont think the drinking age should be lowered is because since our society is used to the age being 21 if it were to be lowered it would take time for people to get used to this and there fore the behavior wouldnt change much, there would still be a lot of teens and college and high school students drinking like there is now but it would be legal and therefore would not be as much that we could do about it. Also this may cause kids to start drinking younger since there has been a pattern of people in this country starting to drink below the drinking age so if it was lowered to 18 then maybe people would start drinking at 14 or 15 that usually would start at 17 or 18 or even 19 when the drinking age was 21.

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