Have you ever been with someone who drinks SO MUCH that you don't know if you've ever seen them SOBER?!

Question: I met someone a month ago; and though he is a very nice man, he drinks shots after shots of vodka & tequila with beer backs. ALL THE TIME. I'd hate to break it off with him; but, I also would hate to be a part of the aggrevation that goes with being with someone who has a drinking problem. (and this is from previous experience talking!)

Answers: I met someone a month ago; and though he is a very nice man, he drinks shots after shots of vodka & tequila with beer backs. ALL THE TIME. I'd hate to break it off with him; but, I also would hate to be a part of the aggrevation that goes with being with someone who has a drinking problem. (and this is from previous experience talking!)

if someone drinks contantly like that they either were born with a dependency for alcohol..or there like me and may have had a bad relationship and feel the need to substitute the lack of the person they loved with alcohol

LOL. My step-father-in-law!!!!
We call him a functioning drunk.........not to his face, of course.
I'm sure I've never seen him when he didn't have alcohol running through his veins. He always carries what we call his "sippy cup" and in it is his OJ and vodka. If he thinks we don't all know that, he's nuts.

I would think twice before getting serious with your guy. To have a functioning relationship you will have to compromise yourself. That is not fair to you.

He is an alcoholic. Someone that drinks that much definitely has a drinking problem that will not be easily solved. If you have had this kind of relationship before, then you should know right now that this will be part of your world if you stay with him.

oh yeah...get out of that know it will never stop and only gets worse

shoot, i've known people that never seen themselves sober...it's sad

For most of my marriage, my ex husband was that way. When I first met him, I thought that he was fantastic. He was a very loving, considerate man. Over time he got so verbally abusive that, like me, our two kids avoided him as much as possible. I tried to get him to see what he was doing to himself and our family. He would get very mad at me if I dared to mention that he should get off of the alcohol, or at least cut back on it. At the end, when given a choice of family or alcohol, he chose alcohol.
It is not a pleasant life to live with an alcoholic. It is not just their life that they are ruining. It is yours too. And it differently affects the kids - their self esteem, their feelings of self confidence, how they interact with others. An alcoholic drags their whole family down with them. You know all this if you have had previous experience with someone with a drinking problem.
Think of yourself, think of your future. Alcoholics only get worse, never better unless they admit that they have a problem, and get the right kind of help.
Since you only met him a month ago, you should be able to walk away from this relationship easier now than you will be able to later on. For your own future happiness, walk away NOW!

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