Is beer made with barley or hobs?!

Question: mich says barley

sam adams says hobs

Answers: mich says barley

sam adams says hobs

Just to add to what everybody else has mentioned, the Sam Adams commercials mention their hops as a badge of quality. They use what are referred to as "noble hops" which are a select few variates of hops which are generally grown in Germany. These hops are revered for their clean flavor and aroma particularly in lager beers. Sam Adams also likes to mention this because some of the other bigger American beer companies use "pre-isomerized" hop extract rather than actual whole hops so I guess it comes across as more natural although the hop extracts aren't exactly a bad thing.

Michelob likes to mention that it's an "all barley malt" beer because many American "macro" lagers (Budweiser, Coors, Miller...) use what are referred to as adjuncts which generally speaking are things like corn and rice. They also like to mention this because they recently just switched back to being an all malt beer after years of adjunct brewing.

Both, most beer companies use combonations of the 2 in different amounts to achieve different tastes

Both, most beer companies use combinations of barley and hobs to achieve different tastes

Almost all beer is made with 4 ingredients. Malted barley, hops, yeast and water. The malted barley is what creates the sweetness, the color, and the alcohol (due to the starches being converted to sugar). The hops are are what create the bitterness and (depending on the beer) sometimes the aroma.

HOPS is in all beer. It gives it the bitter. Many grains are used in the brewing of beer. (rice, oats, barley, wheat) Different grains produce different tastes. There are many different hops, as well, depending on where they are grown.
(I am a home brewer... I know my beer!)

From the German purity laws, Beer should only be made with three basic ingredients:

The barley is first malted and mashed (steeped) in hot water. The hot water helps enzymes present in the grain convert starches into water-soluble sugars.
The sugary water mixture is drawn from the spent grain and boiled to sanitize. Hops (a flower cone) are added during the boil. Hops are added as a bittering agent (flavoring). The bitterness can balance any residual sugars and make the beer not taste sweet.
Yeast is added following the boil after the sugary mixture is cooled. The yeast eat the sugars creating alcohol as a by product.

So....the answer to your question is both: Barley and Hops.

The word is Hops (not hobs)Beer is made with malted barley, and hops are used to flavor the brew and to provide a preservative effect. There are lots of different species of hops and all have their special flavors. Beer would be way too sweet with-out the bitterness that hops provides.

both usually more hops are used though

they are differnet types of beer but they all contain the same type of ingredients just in differnet ammounts

barley is the grain thay gives it body
hops are the flower that gives it fragrance

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