Is being an alcoholic genetic?!

Question: As a mental health professional with 20+ years experience, with at least half that time focusing on alcohol and drug abuse and addiction, now retired, I can tell you readily, yes. It isn't the only way one can catch or have alcoholism, but it can happen genetically, and it can skip generations as well, so, it could come from a grandparent instead of a parent, and, as opposed to what "westcoastrainier" suggests in his answer, it comes from other ways than from the mother's addiction or drinking during pregnancy. It can come from that as well, but many other ways as well, such as whether her parents were addicted, or whether people on your father's side of the family were addicted. But, in general, genetics do play a serious role in whether a person has the potential to be addicted to alcohol. God Bless you.

Answers: As a mental health professional with 20+ years experience, with at least half that time focusing on alcohol and drug abuse and addiction, now retired, I can tell you readily, yes. It isn't the only way one can catch or have alcoholism, but it can happen genetically, and it can skip generations as well, so, it could come from a grandparent instead of a parent, and, as opposed to what "westcoastrainier" suggests in his answer, it comes from other ways than from the mother's addiction or drinking during pregnancy. It can come from that as well, but many other ways as well, such as whether her parents were addicted, or whether people on your father's side of the family were addicted. But, in general, genetics do play a serious role in whether a person has the potential to be addicted to alcohol. God Bless you.

There is a chance that you can be addicted to alchohol if your mother was addicted and drinking it when pregnant. But other than that, only your parents actions can pursuade you tp drink alchohol.

not all the time but genetics do have a part in alcoholisim. alcoholics have a particular pair of chromosomes in a specific link in the genetic chain that shows if a person has a greater chance of becoming an alcoholic.

not as far as i can figure.
personally think it's more a product or effect of a person's environment.

hard times can drive a person to drink at whatever age.

Im not an expert but I think genes have a lot to do with it. My parents rarely drink and I have never had a desire to drink much at all either.

I don't know if it is exactly scientifically "genetic" but I definitely think having a number of alchoholics in your family predispositions you to being one, especially if you have grown up witnessing their habits and you don't even realize it until you are older.
I think there are also different types of alchoholics. My father, for example, is what I like to call a party-aholic. He is a 21 year old guy trapped in the body of a 47 year old man. He likes to go out and have fun a little too much, and every night he has to have "Jack and Coke" to go to sleep. My grandfather was also an alchoholic, and my dad's sister is one too, so I definitely think there is some kind of genetic link to it.

more environmental than genetic, you learn what you are taught. And it makes a bigger impression when it's your parents.

Not necessarily. You can have inherited a gene which does NOT process alcohol well, but that does not mean you will become alcoholic. It mean that you may have the tendency to become it IF you drink heavily. Actually, anyone can become an alcoholic if they drink long and heavily enough.

A man can become alcoholic in about 15 years of heavy drinking or thereabouts, a woman only needs 3.

If your parents drink you'll have a higher risk of starting and it'll be harder to quit. But, no it's not genetic.

Alcoholics are people who have, or have overcome, an addiction to alcohol.
Some people inherit a gene which predisposes them to developing addictions in general. It may be however, that people who have an alcoholic parent end up having issues with cigarettes, illicit drugs or alcohol. These people find it harder to give up these things than other people, but as already stated, they don't necessarily become alcoholics.
Environment, upbringing, education about harmful behaviours, social support networks and the development of alternative coping strategies are also important factors in determining the chances of addictive behaviours in general.
Hope this helps..

probably not. we just think it is

Actually it is, but its a disease that can be prevented, the way it works is someone who has parents that are alcoholics are more likely to get addicted to alcohol when they start drinking, does it mean they will for sure, no, but the Chances are more than some one who's parents weren't alcoholics, also some other factors involved. are certain races and nationalities, as much as i hate to admit it being half native myself, its actually in my genes due to the fact that the vast majority of native Americans built up more of an immunity to alcohol over the history of America, so therefore its in the genetics for some one as myself to be more prone to alcoholism than that of some one from a different origin such as English, the same deal goes for some one who's roots trace to that of Irish, they two are more prone genetic wise, however this does not ultimately determine if some one is going to be an alcoholic or not, just simply states its can actually be in some ones bloodline due to the history of that persons family.

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