Why did Jesus drink so much wine? Do you think he had an alcohol problem?!


Why did Jesus drink so much wine? Do you think he had an alcohol problem?

the last supper was actually an AA meeting

Probably. I suspect that all that "this is my body, this is my blood" stuff is just the Church's attempt to cover it up.

Hahahaha!Never thought about that!You are right!Thanks for the info!


Lucky Jesus, thats what I say!! It would explain all these so-called miracles though! And and Christians, please dont get on my back, I'm just having a laugh!!

Hmmm ... where do we find that Jesus drank "so much" wine? He did drink wine, and it was indeed wine, contrary to what some woulkd have you believe. Nowhere will you find reference to an instance, however, where Jesus drank excessively.

I think we can all agree that there is a qualitative difference between drinking and drinking too much. The former is a healthy thing to do; the latter not so much.

I'm pretty sure Jesus is in the clear on this one ...

Oh, I might also add that wine was, in many cases, much safer to drink than water back in the day.

In wine is truth; in beer is strength; in water is ... bacteria.

blatently, and all his followers. how else did he get them to believe all the crap he got them to believe?

Dont think`hed`mutch option`NICHOLA`there was no`LAGER`n`GUINNESS`about in those DAYS`Bet he could Cure himself`from Hangovers`quickly eh`

lol why not???

definatley , thats probably why he thought he moved that big stone when he was locked inside that cave thing , completley hammered!!!

Honestly...I think he was just as crazy as Charles Manson, but with a drinking problem in addition

I guess he figured that since he was going to die anyway he should live it up. Get drunk and be happy.

Ha Ha. What can good question? I never thought of that. Now here is another thought. How come he never got drunk? Maybe it was non alcoholic wine!!

He teached us the meaning of life: be cool and enjoy! In his age there was nothink else but wine and water and wine is better than water! If he had more options like whisky,vodka,cigarettes,cigars... e.g. Jesus propably teached with a Marlboro in his hand and a Glenfidich(30 years old) in the other!

From what I have been told by a pastor or two, the wine Jesus drank was not fremented, it was basically grape juice. Besides that, He had to be the perfect, unblemished ultimate sacrifice for our sins to be forgiven, so therfore He could not, nor did He ever sin. The crucifixion on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice.

Would you trust the water in the Middle East.

Did he how do we know

Because it was safer for him to drink. Would you drink the water today in Mexico if you didn't have to? It is the same principal.

Rather like the beer of the middle ages it was the drink of everyone before coffee and tea made an appearance.

It was much weaker that the stuff of today.

Jesus was just one person who drank it. There were others!!

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