Why do college girls get so trashed they just throw up? It's such a turn off and it's so pointless?!

Question: At so many college parties, obviously girls drink and I drink too. I get tipsy, but I know my limits...I'm not going to just go wild losing track and my grip on reality, yet this is exactly what I see so many girls doing. It's a shame, because it seems all the decent looking girls are the ones that just get trashed every weekend. I'm not like against drinking at all, I'm just against girls getting so bad that they look trashy and prevent opportunities to meet them, since they don't know what's going on. I can see getting drunk knowing your limits, but why get so bad that you're throwing up and pissing yourself girls? It's SO trashy to see that blahh.

Answers: At so many college parties, obviously girls drink and I drink too. I get tipsy, but I know my limits...I'm not going to just go wild losing track and my grip on reality, yet this is exactly what I see so many girls doing. It's a shame, because it seems all the decent looking girls are the ones that just get trashed every weekend. I'm not like against drinking at all, I'm just against girls getting so bad that they look trashy and prevent opportunities to meet them, since they don't know what's going on. I can see getting drunk knowing your limits, but why get so bad that you're throwing up and pissing yourself girls? It's SO trashy to see that blahh.

Basically it comes down to maturity. As you get more mature then you realise that drinking til you puke is not the ideal fun night. Occaisionally it can happen but every time is not right. I went out with this girl one night and we were having drinks. After she got to about 5 or 6 she excused herself and went to the ladies room, where she puked, (I didn't know that at the time) we had a few more then she went again. I had drank 9 and went to go to the mens room and she asked if I was going to puke to???? I said no I am going to pee, why? And then she told me of her trips to the ladies room. I was very disappointed in her. So I drove her home banged the hell out of her drunk azz and left her lying naked on her front lawn to sleep it off. The neighbors called the cops in the morning when kids were going to school and she was arrested for public intoxication and drunkiness, and indecent exposure. She and I never spoke again after that. Hopefully she matured after that experience.

yea it makes them gross

its not just college ive seen many girls at bars around my hometown get just as bad, most females are a lot lighter than men and it doesnt take as much booze to hit em like a ton of bricks.

I don't think ALL the hot ones get trashed and throw up every weekend...maybe you just tend to notice the frighteningly drunk ones more? And they do it because they have no self control and are trying to keep up with the guys.

my 2 cents:

-they're stupid and think they have to be completely smashed to have a good time.

-maybe because they're attempting to "fit in" to compensate for not feeling pretty enough.

-or maybe they have issues...everyone has issues, i'm sure...and i'm not saying the pretty girls don't know how to handle their problems, but maybe this is a way for some attractive girls to deal with their problems.


Nah, seriously though, women aren't able to handle the same amount of beer as men but they try keep up anwyay.

answer Only
too long a story
they are looking for sympathy
""Oh You Poor simpleton you need help""
and I just might get laid

Its not allll college girls....usually just the younger.....inexperienced ones

there are plenty of guys who puke after drinking too much. usually they're smart enough to go outside or in a bathroom first though.

Way to be sexist. Girls are DEFINITELY not the only ones getting way too drunk, throwing up, and peeing on them self. You should have stopped to think about this question before you posted it. And honestly, does it even have a correct answer other than maybe they want to?? It's their choice, and if they want to look that stupid then let them. Maybe you should choose a different spot to look for girls other than a college party...

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