How do you cure a hangover?!


How do you cure a hangover?

Hydrate & rest ... best to hydrate w/ Gatorade & chicken noodle soup (your body needs the sodium & sugar after you've had a lot to drink) the first 24 hours then water after that (you'll feel sick if all you drink is water at first) and get plenty of rest. Fresh air helps, too. Go for a nice walk or something.

I threw up this morning and that helped a little... Then I napped for 2 hours

lots and lots of water. you're hungover because you are dehydrated

drink more!!

Dont get drunk in the first place,there want be anything to cure..

1 alka seltzer every 2 hours 3 to 4 times, lots of water and juices, take naps or sleep 1 hour straight , heads up lol

I would say when you get home, drink a large quantity of Gatorade. That usually prevents a hangover.

It depends what you have a hangover from...if it's from beer, then take a budwiser...or some other type...

If you took liquor, take some tequila. Mescal works pretty well. Patron...take a shot, and you should be good, unless your hangover has left you wanting to never drink again. In that case, just ride it out.

I read that bananas are actually a very good way to replenish your body during a hangover. If you make a banana smoothie or shake with a little honey in it and some milk, it's supposed to be excellent. I haven't had one since I read that so I can't guarantee anything yet.


Take 3 advils and drink 8 oz. of tomato juice.

A Big Mac, fries and an orange soda

Hangovers are caused mainly by dehydration and mild withdrawal symptoms, so drinks LOTS of water (gatorade is even better), and take a B complex vitamin with some fruit. works like a charm. The water or gatorade is most important. Hope you feel better!

Yes m a drinker....whats mine experience...take a minimum 8 hours sleep.....than waked drink 1 glass Bananas...yeah they really works.....make a simple banana shake..with toned sugar/sweet...have it, so after that you will feel so much of comfort....than don't forget to take good healty diet on that day.

ever heard of hair of the dog....that means drink whatever drink you were drinking to get the hangover....oh and I heard drink v8 juice or gatoraide....electrolites are gone from your body and you need to replace them...take asprin

It is called not getting drunk...Maybe you should try it sometime.

This may sound weird,, but my grandpa use to cure his crudas " hangovers" with a warm glass of milk. I've actually tried it once or twice , but only after a hard night of drinking.. usually works for me.

Take some advil (NOT TYLENOL) before you go to bed, with a big glass of water or gatorade. Then, when you get up, drink some more water and eat a big breakfast. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, the works. After that, a short nap and you will be good to go.

drink water

Drink water then go get the fast food of your choice. My personal favorite is Bojangles Cajun Chicken biscuit combo. Works everytime.

take a vitamin pill like centrium, and eat an egg and an apple, and drink a glass of oj, that will restore your body's nutrients that you lost from the alchohol and you wont feel like **** anymore

Take aspirin or IB profen before going to sleep
Next day, drink gatorade and lots of water.
If you still have a headace-more pills or alka seltzer if your stomach burns
Eat a good hearty breakfast if you can stomach it, if not eat toast. Your body will need something to soak up the alcohol.
Drink some coffee-the caffeine will help
After that you should be straight-if not smoke a joint! The best cure!

depends on how bad your hangover is. if it's not too bad i like to eat some greasy fast food. believe it or not it works. if it is really bad like the kind i usually have you are just screwed and not matter how much water, gatorade, electrolytes, whatever you drink is not going to make much of a difference and you just have to ride it out.

before/while you're drinking: keep food in your stomach, rice is

before bed: drink water, throw up if you need to

when you get up: throw up if you need to, have an alcoholic drink, take some advil

I take a tylonal before I go to bed

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