Am i an alcoholic?!


Am i an alcoholic?

ok so im 16 and i can get served in most places

at weekends im frequently spending £25-£30 on alcohol

me and my friend often exceed more than 50 units of alcohol a day and often we dont feel too bad about it

any advice would be good


Here's a test. Try going without any kind of alcohol for two weeks. See how you feel. If there's no desire for it, you're probably okay. If you find yourself wanting a drink, craving one, enough to make you cave in before the two weeks are up, then you might be getting dependent on it.

Just my opinion

i think you should drop down a bit,

just stop now b4 it gets 2 out of hand!! ur only 16 just sop now while u can!!!trust me ! ive seen ppl ur age go threw it it's not pretty!

sounds like you're heading for trouble

Stop drinking. If you think you have a problem, just stop. If you can't stop, you need help. Why would you want to drink that much? You are too young.

Has it affected work/ school?
Has it caused relationship problems?
Can you go without a drink for an extended period of time and be o.k?
If you answered yes, yes, no, then you should be ok.
But honestly, you should not drink so much.

Say Man, I Don't Know How Much Money That Would Be In "Dollars." It Reads Like Alot, But If You Got To Ask, Then Yes, You Probably Are!!!!

you are on your way to alot of trouble. Are you an alcoholic? See if you can stop completely for a week. If you can't then I would say yes you are. go to AA and hear some stories from people who have ruined their lives and others by drinking. Is that what you want?

I used to drink heaps of weekends from age 16 onwards. By the time I turned 19 I was so sick of going out drinking becuase I had been there and done that. Keep in mind what you are doing is what 18 and 19 years old all do. Not an alcoholic, but you will age faster and get fatter! Remember you will get boring faster if you continue drinking underage and not enjoy it when your legal.

I don't think you're an alcoholic if you're only doing this on the weekends... Alcoholics need to drink everyday...

In all honesty.. you should cut down because you are doing very bad things to your liver... do yourself that favor, if you don't want liver related health problems in the future.

You're done for dude.... relax and enjoy it!

If you keep this up, you'll be an alcoholic. You're only 16! Imagine when your 18 or 21... once you can legally get into a bar you'll be drinking more and more, making plans to go to the bar, and drink. Before you know it, it's become a part of your life. You do not want that! It causes health problems, search it on the internet... it ain't pretty. I know many ppl who have died from drinking themselves to death! Many.... too many! I grew up with an alcoholic mother, it's a sad life to have to live. So if you want a good life for yourself, you better think! You're not getting any younger. Think of your future! I'm 24 now, I drank myself stupid as a teenager. I got m.i.p's (minor in posession) 2 in a row at 17 yrs. and a drunk driving at 18, which I lost my license 2 times in a row after I got it at 17! Went to jail 3 times 15 days all together. When I was 20, I stopped! I didn't even go to the bar on my 21st b-day! I'm alot better off now. I watch my friends get drunk drivings now! They waited longer to start drinking and now they're suffering. Don't think your invincible either! You'll learn your lesson the hard way if you don't stop and think!

yes, you are an alky. Lay off the drinking for a while because that can't be good for you.

Hey, I wish someone would have told me to stop drinking when I was 16 and now I'm 22 and practically a bum. You should really be concentrating on school at your age so that you can get into a good college and believe me you'll have plenty of opportunities to party and have fun during those years. For now you shouldn't drink everyday and avoid the risk of getting into trouble with the law and losing your parents/ loved one's trust. Please concentrate on your goals instead of screwing up your life and regretting it later. And to answer your question- no you are not an alcoholic but in a few years you might find yourself turning into one if you continue to go down this path. Goodluck =)

Yea you are. But hey its ok, you'll end up like a bum, poor beggin for change to buy some cheap @ss 40oz beer. I'd stop now, atleast ease it up a bit. Theres no harm in going out and having yourself a good time but you dont wannd end up like a bum.

i think you are doing ok but maybe just drink on the weekends and not everyday if yo keep it up your body might suffer from it when you get older

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