Is anyone else drinking now? (alcohol)?!


Is anyone else drinking now? (alcohol)?

I just bought a 36 pack of bud im good for at least the night! What r u drinking, and how much to u plan on drinking tonight?

Yes, rum & coke.

P.S. For the freaks that come into the Beer, Wine & Spirits area that don't believe/approve in drinking Beer, Wine & Spirits and make their annoying opinions known over and over again.....go to the quilting section and leave us alone. It's legal and it's our choice!

of course. today is thursday, afterall...and it is 4:36pm (AZ)

I got a bottle of Bacardi 151, and I will be drinking it all.

*sigh* I got to stop and help snake out a clogged sewer line on my way home tonight...but then I'll grab a sixer of Shiner Bock and that will have to do me for a Thursday night.

What are you people, alcoholics? Why are you bragging about drinking? It's nothing to be proud of...

I have some wine in a glass on my desk right now.

I also have some Malibu that I am thinking about finishing.

I start a new job tomorrow...why not celebrate?

Yeah. I had a couple beers after breakfast. (9:44am Australian time)

not yet, but soon I will have a nice glass of wine or two...or three...or more!

always have a rocky mountain freshness in my hands "heaven isnt that far away!

I am not drinking tonight since tomorrow is a busy day at work. Tommorrow night we are going to happy hour after work and I'll have a fews brews. CHEERS!!!

I'm drinking 225 ml cans of Bundaberg Rum and Cola. I bought 12 so I'm set for the night as well, except that it's not night yet, its halfway through the afternoon and I've already had two cans. Hehe! I plan to drink the WHOLE lot, lmao!

Btw, I live in Australia, the only place to buy Bundy.......mmmmm wonderful stuff! Cheers!

Beer much Beer. Bottoms up

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