What happens when you take alcohol and prozzac at the same time?!
What happens when you take alcohol and prozzac at the same time?
It's dangerous please don't do it. One is a upper the other is a downer.
nothing ever happened to me...they just say that your not suppose to
you will get tired and fall asleep and maybe even a little weezy.
it magnifies the side effects (if there are any for you) of the prozac. so maybe you'd get tired faster, or one drink would be like 3 drinks
You can take both at the same time in moderation. I had a friend that mixed the two and ended up in the hospital. She appeared to be drunk only after a few drinks. By the end of the night she drank 8-10 beers. She ended up going to sleep and was unresponsive. She was then taken to the hospital. So if you do mix the 2 together, please be very careful.