For taste what is best in beer?!

Question: I like my girly drinks...with a modest amount of sweetness I also like the hard stuff like barcardi 151 and most types of wine. Beer though I have not come to like all that much!!! I tried Keiths red and liked it....but I can drink almost anything after I've had a few coolers....any other beers you might suggest knowing a lil history about my drinking habits

Answers: I like my girly drinks...with a modest amount of sweetness I also like the hard stuff like barcardi 151 and most types of wine. Beer though I have not come to like all that much!!! I tried Keiths red and liked it....but I can drink almost anything after I've had a few coolers....any other beers you might suggest knowing a lil history about my drinking habits

Stay away from the cheap, overrated, mainstream lagers (e.g. Budweiser). For your taste, I'd suggest typical wheat ("weizen") beers with a lemon wedge. Boulevard Wheat is one of my favorites. Hefeweizen ("yeast wheat") is also quite popular, but I personally don't like the heavy yeast.

You can find fruity beers, as well. There's a decent Apricot Weizen by Pyramid. Lindeman's makes a variety of fruity lambic beers; the most popular seems to be their Framboise (raspberry), which is quite sweet and would put your cheap wine coolers to shame. It's delicious, but ultimately a little too sweet for me (almost a bit syrupy), so I can't drink much. Often I like to mix it with Hoegaarden for a nice, light, more subtly sweet beer. (I think the proportions tend to be about 20-40% Framboise & 60-80% Hoegaarden, depending on mood and taste.)

Same Adams cherry wheat tastes like cherries, its pretty girly,

There are alot of flavored beers, some taste like oranges (Blue Moon), others like blueberries and so on.

Dos Equis is a really miled tasting beer, just put a lime wedge in it.

I'm not sure yet I've only tryed a few but at the moment I'd have to say Tooheys NEW.

I wanna try that American beer Budwieser.

Any fruit lambic...Lindemans is a good choice. If you see the word "Framboise" get it. They look like they are in champagne bottles. Can't get much girlier than those and they are delicious.

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