Why is Gin known as Mother's ruin?!


Why is Gin known as Mother's ruin?



I imagine because mothers drink it and are 'ruined'. Probably out of boredom.

ask yer mom

Because it used to be said that if a woman was pregnant and she drank a bottle of gin and had a hot bath it would terminate an unwanted pregnancy, hence mothers ruin....
Not sure if this old wives tale actually worked though

It became known as mothers ruin in the eighteenth century. In the big cities Like London, Manchester and others, sanitation was so bad it was not safe to drink water- so poor people drank beer or Gin. There were gin palaces everywhere, and it was reckoned, incredibly, that at any given time 80% of London's population were drunk.
The 'mothers ruin' thing arose from the temperance movement, and do-gooders in general, trying to get people to wake up to the evil s of the demon drink. There were all sorts of stories of children being neglected, and pictures at the time showing things like a paralytically drunk mother letting her baby drop to it's death from her arms, without even noticing.
So it was sort of a slogan for the anti-booze movement.

I'm not a painter or whatever, but there is a painting called ''Gin Lane'' by a guy in the 1800's.

It's a disturbing picture of ppl laying in open sewers, ppl throwing excrement from windows onto the poor in the street, women leaving their children to die as they drank themselves to death.

London, England, about 200 years ago.

Mothers ruin is because in the painting the women let all their children die as they drank gin.

Just to let you know...... at that time there was no sanitation, no sewers, no way of disposing of your waste in a good way.

Disease was rife and the water was undrinkable without the risk of disease.

Hence ppl drank beer or gin or anything but water.

Kids to.

To this day it's called the ''English Disease''.

I don't know...but my second son was conceived BECAUSE of gin!

No joke...

its because those who drink it usaully cant stop and also because to much gin makes you cry

It's a historical moniker... check out this website:


Many a young girl, became mothers after too much Gin. It is reputed to be some thing of a "leg opener", another name for it.
No offence intended.

That is the theory in this corner of the world, from a male viewpoint.
I'm going to give you a star as I am curios to see what others have to say.

Well Done.


Its just a saying & besides Gin give the biggest hangover after Alcohol.

Like mom used to say DRINK GIN AND YOU SIN she was a horny old cuss

The people that have said it is supposed to cause a miscarriage in a pregnant woman are right but did you also know that it helps period pains too? Just a couple of swigs of it neat can really help. I used to carry a miniature bottle in my bag!

Just to confirm other answers. Gin apparently has an abortive effect and my mother used to give me a small - well minute - glass to alleviate period pains.

One of the main ingredients in Gin is the Juniper Berry. This berry is a natural abortionist and therefore was often used in conjunction with a hot bath to terminate unwanted pregnancies in the early 19th and 20th century.

I don't really believe it is true though as when I got pregnant with my 2ND baby I didn't find out until i was 4 1/2 months and drank severe amounts of gin before I found out...Baby was born healthy so maybe it is just an ole wives tale?!?

My mother dirnks it and it ruins her brain?

Try a night on gin and you'll see....

It turns you into a worrying, fretting, bawling, blubbing mess!

Or is that just me and my mates?

Its the worst alcohollic drink. I don't drink or taken any alcohol. But I read its history.

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