Im sixteen and going on school trip, to austri where the drinking age is sixteen, can the school stop me?!

Question: i mean, they can give me a detention, don't care but could it be grounds for suspension??

Answers: i mean, they can give me a detention, don't care but could it be grounds for suspension??

i doubt it but you should probably do it under the cover of darkness if you do drink.

they can send you home

The prices will probably stop you.

Good question!

I think you would be displaying great maturity if you managed to avoid drinking whilst away on this trip.

teachers probably wont let you out of there site long enough for you to go to a bar!

when i went over in my sophomore year they gave our parents consent forms and then only allowed one drink per meal. i don't know what your school will do ask them.

While it's not illegal, if your school tells you not to drink but you still do, then I could see them suspending you.

Yes they can stop you for the fact that it is paid for through the school. In less you have permission to drink. If not you will not be aloud to drink and if you get caught drinking they can do one of many things, They can send you home and band you from going on any other school trip , suspension or they have the right expel you if they see it fit. I know. But it depends what your school wants to do.

YES! the reason is because your not an austrian and your rules dont apply out there, you will be in the care of the school so they will not allow you.

Yes, they can, actually.

How would you get caught? Just do it on your own time, and stay away from the teachers. I wouldn't order a beer and sit down with a teacher.

yeah because your still at school wearing your unifrom so you have to still behave good and be nice, and it would show the school up as well

I believe they actually could suspend you i guess it just depends on the school and the teacher that catches you

You are the schools responsibility,ask your parents & see what they say about it!!!,go to Austri & don't jeperdise any future trips by being silly,you'll only regret it

They most definitely will stop you,you are in their care.your parents have entrusted you to them.

Yes you can get into serious trouble, the school has complete control over you and your action.
I have no doubt that when your parents allow the school to care for you they gave the school control.
If you misbehaved I thing you are likely to be expelled.
I imagine you have signed an agreement with the school, to obey their rules.

you are there responsibility so they should stop you. also you dont want to give your country a bad reputation by staggering aroun austri drunk.

its your call but if something was to happen to you it will be your teachers taking you to hospital so if your going to drink do so responsible

enjoy you trip

I went to Austria with my school when I was 16. We smoked, got drunk and even smoked weed nearly everyday and didnt get caught so I would worry too much its easy enough.

You dont go to Ashmole school by any chance do you?

If you are in a school trip, you can't drink alcohol even if you are over 18. They'll stop you.

who cares your young and you only live once....damn the man!! there is an old saying...when in rome do as the romans do

the teachers are responsible for you, and it will more grown up of you not drink don't do it because your friend are,you could be the sensible one. enjoy

yes they can, they are responsible for you and your chums and if you are caught expect to be dealt with severely, I'm sure the teachers don't want to have to look after a load of kids because they have had half a pint and are @issed out of their brains, so do everyone a favour and get lashed in your own home

Probably they would not allow it.

In theory no but I'll bet it would bring a lot of unwanted trouble and spoil your visit - you wouldn't be trusted. It is very unwise to drink in a strange country particularly when you are not used to the effects of alcohol which can but extremely unpleasant and unexpected after very little..

at our school, for the trip to france, or french teacher let us drink, because it was part of the curtural experence. she said she wouldn't stop us from drinking, but if we had a hang over the next morning she wouldn't wait for us to go to the next sight, and then if we got compleatly wasted she would leave us passed out there she said if we wanted to waste out 3,000 dollars to be able to drink then go right ahead, she wasn't gonna stop us but she wasn't gonna share any of her asperen with us it was funny to sit there and get drunk on wine with your old french teacher and your friends in this little resturant in france it was great i will always remember it

It depends on your contract.

Many contracts will specifically spell out that you cannot drink. Why? Because the school is responsible for you and they don't want to get in trouble if anything happens.

They may suspend or expel you, but they may also send you immediately home - on your dime.

Yes they can. While under supervision which you have agreed to be by going with the school you are bound to abide by there rules. Sorry I know it's not what you want to hear buttttt.

It's pretty sad if you're going on a trip to Austria and you're fixating on whether you'll be able to drink or not. What is so romantic about alcohol to you? Hopefully, you won't focus on alcohol as the primary factor to having fun. If you're so set on drinking alcohol, I'm sure it'd be a lot easier and cheaper to procure some at home.

they are responible for you
they will let your parents know how they are going to handle this situation

Hi Ikey,

Here's the solution. Just tell 'em you can't manage without a drink and they won't take you!

No problem except your parents will have wasted their money.

Why don't you ask them? Don't they have parental controls enabled on their browser?

They should have....

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