What is your hangover prevention?!

Question: Other than not drinking. What do you do to prevent or neutralize intoxication?

Answers: Other than not drinking. What do you do to prevent or neutralize intoxication?

if you don't want a hangover then what you need to do is drink a lot of water on the nights that you drink. I know some people that actually carry around a water bottle and take a drink of water ever time they take a drink of alcohol, obviously thats a bit crazy but I promise you that if you drink a lot of water on your drinking nights you will feel a lot better in the morning.

I drink a couple of cups of water before bed... I NEVER wake up with a hang over... I think the problem is that when you wake up you are dehydrated (hence the headache) ... not to mention youll be sick.. So drink a couple cups of water... tylenol or aspirin helps too.

Please don't drink unless you want to ruin your liver.

Greasy food & lots of water!

Drink alot of water before going to bed.

i usually vomit.
then eat.

then drink looooots of water.

only 6 more years....

Ha, jk. I usually down a ton of tabasco sauce until I completely forget about my headache. And as for the dizzyness, I just sleep it off. I'm under 18, I don't have a job, so I can afford to have hangovers. ;)


Drink lots of water before and after.

drink a lot of water while you are drinking. Hangovers are mostly dehydration.

Don't drink enough to get yourself drunk, drink slowly, or make sure you drink on a full stomach.

This is my sister's advice. Eat alot of fatty foods to lessen the effects of hangovers before hand. It also allows you to drink more.

why bother drinking if you don't want to feel the intoxification, doesn't make sense, its a waste of money, just DON'T drink.

have a few beers the next day thats what we do in australia

well i don't know how to stop it in the 1st place but a great cure is to absolutely STUFF yourself with glasses and glasses of water. it really helps get rid of it =) it works because one glass of alcohol totally gets rid of the equivalent of 5 glasses of water from your system, so all you need to do is re hydrate.

Lots of water and I take multivitamins before I drink, seems to help. Also, before I go to bed I take an antacid to keep my stomach from feeling yucky in the morning. Try that chaser stuff, it seemed to work.

Before you go to sleep drink a few glasses of water, I usually take some Asprin and a vitamin also....just incase.

oh I am the best at this. Make sure not to drink on an empty stomache, and drink plenty of water before you start drinking. Also if you can before you pass out or whatever, drink some more water, and eat a quick meal or snack. If you follow those steps, you wont get hangovers, I guarantee.

stop at two drinks and drink lots of water, eat fruit and drink juice in the morning.

water and food. i have heard that taking a couple of alka seltzers in water before sleep cuts the hangover in half. the box of alka seltzer doesn't recommend taking it if you have had a few drinks though, so i am not sure on that one.

eat well before the drinking onslaught have lots of water before you dink and plenty when you are finished eat some fish the neaxt day always works 4 me and dont get dehydrated ,lots of juice ,rest if you can ,a swim will refresh you the next day and always be careful you really dont over doit .

The night I drink, before going to bed and have a glass or two of water - it usually helps me a lot with headache. The next morning I drink a lot of liquids - water, milk.

Good Luck,


Barf a lot. Then drink a lot of water. Barf some more.

Getting the alcohol out of your system will help with not having a hangover.

Just before you got to sleep drink a ton of water. This will rehydrate your system and prevent the hangover

Okay I saw this while my mom was watching Oprah, but the Dr. said, that more translucent drinks like vodka compared to rum, have less of a hang over effect on your liver. Liver is what gives you the symptom of hang over. Make sure there is also water, water to dilute the alcohol. The next day when you feel terrible, eat something in your stomach, eggs is the best because it has some antioxidant that neutralizes the alcohol effects. Water and aspirin is also not a bad idea to reduce the inflammation. Lastly drink coffee, coffee is a stimulant which is why it helps wake you up, while alcohol is a depressant. So drinking coffee will help you get through your day. I hope this helps.

No sugar and lots of accompanying water (w/extra oxygen if you can find it).

Drink lots of water before during and after drinking.
After drinking and before going to sleep is the most important time.
Hangovers are usually caused by dehydration which affects the brain causing the hangover

If planning on drinking, eat a lot of bread, crackers, food like that. It will fill you up and you won't want to drink that much after that. If for some reason you still get tipsy, drinking a few cups of coffee (it works for me) and / or take aspirin with lots of water. But for sure, most of all, don't drink and drive. Be safe.

don't drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Eat before you drink alcohol, drink in moderation. Drink a glass of water after each alcoholic beverage. Drink a glass or two of water and take a vitamin when you get home before you go to bed and get a full 8 hours sleep before you need to function. A hearty breakfast like eggs and toast in the morning helps too.

avoid hangovers.....stay drunk

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